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Behavioral Purpose Statement

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1 Behavioral Purpose Statement
Steve Wagner Fall 2015 Megan Pederson Charlie Eisenreich

2 Step 2 develop brief statement of behavior purpose.
52 Step 2 develop brief statement of behavior purpose. PBIS Getting Started Day 1 10:45 am Year 1

3 Examples…..

4 Lincoln Lincoln School is a community of learners and teachers. We are here to learn, grow, and become good citizens.

5 Kennedy At Kennedy School, we treat each other with respect, take responsibility for our learning, and strive for a safe and positive school for all!

6 Southview PBIS Purpose Statement
The purpose of implementing Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports at Southview is to: - Create a sense of community in our school - Reduce problem behavior and increase positive behavior - Create consistent language, expectations, and consequences - Gather and use data to guide decision-making - Raise student achievement

7 Witt-Birn The purpose of implementing Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) at Witt-Birn High School is to improve current attitudes and behaviors to support academic success and provide a climate with unified goals and expectations for all because our mission is to provide quality and creative educational experiences. We need to work together as a school community to support positive behaviors and academic success. If everyone will work together to teach, model, and reward positive student behaviors then WBHS will produce lifelong learners and productive members of society.

8 Apollo The Apollo Community will promote caring relationships, mutual respect, and ownership of behaviors by providing a foundation for academic success, within a safe, caring learning environment.

9 Activity 1: Develop your brief statement of behavior purpose.
STEP 2 of 8 steps of implementation: Statement of Behavior Purpose 1: Develop your brief statement of behavior purpose. 2: How will you involve staff in this work? 3: Be prepared to report out Behavior Purpose DRAFT Manual—pg. 50

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