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Individual Behavior: Characteristics & Causes

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Presentation on theme: "Individual Behavior: Characteristics & Causes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Individual Behavior: Characteristics & Causes
Session 4 Individual Behavior: Characteristics & Causes

2 MARS Model of Individual Behavior
Situational factors Values Personality Perceptions Emotions Attitudes Stress Motivation Individual behavior and results Ability Role Perceptions

3 Motivation Internal forces that affect a person’s voluntary choice of behavior Three key elements: Intensity – how hard a person tries Direction – effort toward, and consistent with goals Persistence – how long a person can maintain effort R BAR S M A

4 Ability Natural aptitudes and learned capabilities required to do a task successfully Skill Competencies  personal characteristics that lead to superior performance R BAR S M A

5 Role Perceptions Beliefs about what behavior is required to achieve the desired results: understanding what tasks to perform understanding relative importance of tasks understanding preferred behaviors to accomplish tasks R BAR S M A

6 Situational Factors Environmental conditions beyond the individual’s short-term control that constrain or facilitate behavior time people budget work facilities (hygiene factors) R BAR S M A

7 Nature vs Nurture of Personality
Heredity explains about 50 percent of behavioral tendencies and 30 percent of temperament preferences But nurture also counts -- socialization, life experiences, learning Personality stabilizes over time self-concept guides behavior

8 Analyse YOUR Behavior using MARS Model
Situational Factors Values Personality Perceptions Emotions Attitudes Stress Motivation Individual Behavior and Results Ability Role Perceptions

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