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Psalm 26:1-7 (Tune: How Sweet, How Heavenly)

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Presentation on theme: "Psalm 26:1-7 (Tune: How Sweet, How Heavenly)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Psalm 26:1-7 (Tune: How Sweet, How Heavenly)
1. Judge me, O Lord, for I have walked in my in - teg -ri - ty Words: The Book of Psalms for Singing, 26A Music: How Sweet, How Heavenly, William B. Bradbury Arrangement: Chris Reeves

2 Psalm 26:1-7 (Tune: How Sweet, How Heavenly)
And ev-er with un - wav- ’ing heart have trust-ed Lord, in Thee.

3 Psalm 26:1-7 (Tune: How Sweet, How Heavenly)
2. Ex - am - ine me, and prove me, Lord; Try heart and mind I pray.

4 Psalm 26:1-7 (Tune: How Sweet, How Heavenly)
Thy mer – cy is be–fore my eyes; Thy truth has led my way.

5 Psalm 26:1-7 (Tune: How Sweet, How Heavenly)
3. I will not with dis-sem-blers go, With false men will not wait.

6 Psalm 26:1-7 (Tune: How Sweet, How Heavenly)
I will not sit with wick-ed men; Their com-pa – ny I hate.

7 Psalm 26:1-7 (Tune: How Sweet, How Heavenly)
4. I’ll wash my hands in in - no - cence, Ap-proach Thine al-tar Lord.

8 Psalm 26:1-7 (Tune: How Sweet, How Heavenly)
That with a thank-ful voice I may Thy won-ders all re-cord.

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