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Global Depression 15-2.

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Presentation on theme: "Global Depression 15-2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Depression 15-2

2 Effects of WWI Great War leaves Europe bankrupt
U.S. and Japan came out in better shape

3 New Democracies European nations - little experience with democratic government Germany – Weimar Republic

4 Coalition Government Temporary alliance of several political parties to form a parliamentary majority

5 Weimar Republic Blamed for WWI losses
War and reparations bankrupt Weimar Republic – answer = print more money = inflation Bread: less than 1 mark marks billion marks

6 Dawes Plan $200 million loan from American banks to stabilize the economy of Germany

7 Kellogg-Briand peace pact
Most of world signs peace pact No way to enforce – League of Nations weak (no U.S.)

8 U.S. Economy 1929 – 3 flaws uneven distribution of wealth
overproduction by business and agriculture demand for consumer goods down.

9 Great Depression People can’t afford goods = stores cut back on orders = factories cut back on production = layoffs = cycle

10 Oct 29th 1929 Wall Street – Financial capital of World (NYC)
Buy stocks on margin. Downward slide –everyone selling nobody buying

11 Great Depression Businesses fail = people can’t pay bank loans = banks close (no $) = people lose all $ in banks Farmers lost lands 1933 ¼ of all American workers had no jobs

12 Global Depression American bankers demanded payments of overseas loans
High tariffs (taxes) World trade down 65%

13 Global Depression U.S. can’t invest and loan to world
Germany & Austria hurt

14 World Responds Britain, France, Denmark, Sweden and Norway restructure and eventually come out ok = preserve democracies

15 Recovery!!!! DOES NOT believe in Laissez Faire 1932

16 The New Deal Government helps the people Welfare
Jobs- garbage, bridges, street cleanup Confidence and $ Shows great democracy

17 Franklin D Roosevelt

18 Black Tuesday- Stock Market

19 Unemployment Lines




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