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Scripture Reading Isaiah 45:14-21

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2 Scripture Reading Isaiah 45:14-21


4 Confess: Now or Later

5 Confess: Now or Later Opening verse (Isa. 45:22-23)
If the nations did repent, they would face judgment Quoted in reference to final judgment (Rom. 14:10-12) Everyone will confess, but when is up to us

6 Confess: Now or Later Rahab’s example (Josh 2:9-11)
Rahab acknowledged the all-powerful God Other Canaanites chose not to acknowledge God They all fell, but Rahab was saved She confessed in time

7 Confess: Now or Later Reasons people don’t confess
Gentiles ignored the evidence (Rom. 1:18-25) If they acknowledge God’s existence, they acknowledge accountability to him God will allow them to refuse for now (Rom. 1:28-32) None will escape the reality of judgment Jews feared social rejection (John 9:22; 12:42-43) Many who believed would not confess it (John 7:13) Those who deny Jesus now will be denied in judgment (Matt. 10:32-33; Mark 8:38)

8 Confess: Now or Later Confession is an ongoing requirement
Confession might cost one friends, family, jobs, or life Those will not not sacrifice can never be saved Confess the Father and the Son (1st John 2:23; 4:15) One must express his belief (Rom. 10:9-10) Confessions (Matt. 16:16; John 11:27; 1st Tim. 6:12)

9 Confess: Now or Later Confessing belief in Jesus
Isaiah’s prophecy applied to Jesus (Philip. 2:9-13) Christ will judge the world (2nd Cor. 5:10-11; Acts 17:31) We can confess him now, and he will call us his own Or we can wait until he returns, and he will deny us


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