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Personality and Entrepreneurship.

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Presentation on theme: "Personality and Entrepreneurship."— Presentation transcript:

1 Personality and Entrepreneurship

2 Can temperment influence success?
Do certain personalities produce better entrepreneurs? Are the aims of the entrepreneur relevant?

3 Extraversion Exploratory Socially Inclined Comfortable in Crowds

4 Agreeableness Polite Compassionate Relationship-Oriented

5 Neuroticism Anxious Sensitive Negative-Focused

6 Conscientiousness Conservative Hard–Working Future-Oriented

7 Openness to Experience
High IQ Exploratory Creative (Fluency)

8 Airbnb How did Joe Gebbia and Brian Chesky manage to create a bilion dollar company while revolutionizing the hospitality industry?

9 So, traits to look for? Remember, no hard rules in psychology.
MOST ENTREPRENEURS Extraversion Agreeableness Neuroticism Conscientiousness Openness TECH REVOLUTIONARIES Extraversion Agreeableness Neuroticism Conscientiousness Openness Remember, no hard rules in psychology. There will always be exceptions…people are diverse.

10 Thank you! …any questions?

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