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Counseling with Depth of Knowledge

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Presentation on theme: "Counseling with Depth of Knowledge"— Presentation transcript:

1 Counseling with Depth of Knowledge

2 Integrating Higher Level Thinking in Every Educational Situation to Prepare our Students to be College and Career Ready. What is DOK? How Can we Apply DOK to Problem Solving? How can we Integrate DOK with College & Career Ready Preparation?

3 Grade 4 - Careers in Action! Secondary: Define Your Own Road
What DOK is it? 1. Does this person seem to enjoy their job? Why or why not? 2. What types of education or training are needed to be successful in this career? Secondary: Define Your Own Road 1. What’s the difference between a job and a career? 2. What are some reason why people change jobs? What DOK level is each question? Why?

4 What is your job description?
SHOW ME TELL ME DOK-1 Recall and Reproduce One Step Recall or restate – Show me or Tell Me your job description. Known Information: Like a Reporter – The facts and nothing but the facts. If we were doing this in a classroom – everything would come from a text. When you know the answer – stand up. On the count of three tell someone your answer. How long did it take you to stand up? Why?

5 Information or details…
What are the top two responsibilities that you have that most define your job? Give two examples. I can LOCATE and SELECT Information or details… DOK-2 Skills and Concepts In order to… IDENTIFY and VERIFY a new concept. If we were doing this in a classroom – everything would come from a text. When you know the answer – stand up. On the count of three tell someone your answer. How long did it take you to stand up? Why? Two Steps Locate and Select Information examples that Identify and Verify a New Concept - describe two job responsibilities. Like an Interpreter: Explain (give details) to show what you mean.

6 What strategy could you use to prove which of the two examples is most significant? Explain your reasoning. I can LOCATE and SELECT information and details to IDENTIFY and VERIFY a new concept… ...which I use to show my REASONING so I can show HOW I SOLVED the question and make a CONCLUSION. and then I EXPLAIN my THINKING DOK-3 Strategic Thinking and Reasoning If we were doing this in a classroom – everything would come from a text. When you know the answer – stand up. On the count of three tell someone your answer. How long did it take you to stand up? Why? Three Steps Locate and Select information to Identify and Verify which example is most significant. Show your Reasoning of How you SOLVED the problem (answered the question) and Draw a Conclusion. Explain your THINKING of which two examples is most significant. Like a Judge: Evaluate and solve a problem. Assess the best solution and why.

7 Support the strategy your chose using other sources that validate its applicability to other areas of your job. How would it change or alter what you are doing? If we were doing this in a classroom – everything would come from a text. We will not stand up when we know the answer to this task. We would be here all day! DOK-4 is completed through research and a more lengthy performance task. Four Steps I Compare my Conclusion with Similar Sources to Confirm which example is most significant. I can Extend my Conclusion by using what I’ve learned and explaining how it applies in another area (Domain) of my job. I am able to apply this to Solve Problems in ways I haven’t before.

8 COMPARE a previous CONCLUSION to other SOURCES order to CONFIRM
I can COMPARE a previous CONCLUSION to other SOURCES order to CONFIRM or develop a new CONCLUSION. I SHOW how my CONCLUSION EXTENDS across other domains… DOK-4 Extended Thinking …and am able to use what I’ve learned to SOLVE a problem in a NEW WAY.

Recall and Reproduce DOK-1 Reporter I can LOCATE and SELECT Information or details… DOK-2 Skills and Concepts In order to… IDENTIFY and VERIFY a new concept. DOK-2 Interpreter I can LOCATE and SELECT information and details to IDENTIFY and VERIFY a new concept… ...which I use to show my REASONING so I can show HOW I SOLVED the question and make a CONCLUSION. and then I EXPLAIN my THINKING DOK-3 Strategic Thinking and Reasoning DOK-3 Judge DOK-4 Detective I can COMPARE a previous CONCLUSION to other SOURCES order to CONFIRM or develop a new CONCLUSION. I SHOW how my CONCLUSION EXTENDS across other domains… DOK-4 Extended Thinking …and am able to use what I’ve learned to SOLVE a problem in a NEW WAY. Developed by Susan Richmond 2015

10 Would you change any DOK levels?
Grade 4 - Careers in Action! What DOK is it? 1. Does this person seem to enjoy their job? Why or why not? 2. What types of education or training are needed to be successful in this career? Secondary: Define Your Own Road 1. What’s the difference between a job and a career? 2. What are some reason why people change jobs? DOK-2 Would you change any DOK levels? DOK-2 DOK-1 DOK-1-2

11 Problem Solving with DOK
The answer/task requires the student to: restate or recall an event. DOK 2 The answer/task requires the student to: selecting information –(looking back at the event) to identify specific actions that contributed to the event’s outcome. DOK 3 explain how each identified action contributed to the outcome. design a plan showing HOW to create a different outcome. The plan includes a conclusion or a generalization. explain why the new plan will work. DOK 4 1. compare conclusion (plan statement) to other similar situations (a text, discussion). decide if plan – conclusion is the best solution and revise if needed. apply conclusion to other situations and report back on how it worked and why. use what was learned to solve problems in a new way (be able to create alternate solutions). Do we always need to move up to a higher DOK? Is it beneficial for the purpose? This is an event DOK that could be used in counseling or lesson planning in someway or as an evaluative DOK tool.

12 Student Problem Solving Sheet
1. What did you do that was a problem? Circle the rules you chose not to follow. be safe and healthy be respectful be responsible Create a plan for a better choice next time. Now I will… Repair Plan -----apologize to…. -----do an act of kindness or… (own idea) ____I have shared my plan with a staff member. I, ___________________will be responsible for following the rules so that my school will be a safe, respectful learning environment. Parent signature:____________________ Date___________ Is the student restating or retelling? Is the student selecting new information in order to answer a question? Is the student showing how to solve a problem and explaining how a conclusion was reached? Look at each Problem Solving Sheet. Ask yourself what DOK level are the questions. Choose one question And move it up to the next highest DOK level. Is the student proving a conclusion (a result) confirmed by other sources and using what was learned in similar situations as well as across other domains?

13 My Side of the Story Who else was involved or witnessed? _______
____________ ___________ ____________ Explain the entire event. Please include what happened, when it happened, where it happened and why it happened. Be sure to tell the truth. How do you think this situation can be resolved? The purpose of the problem solving sheet is “to solve the problem…” If we were modeling how to complete a problem solving Sheet – we would start with a referral text or passage. Would it benefit the student to go to a higher DOK level for this task? Not all tasks need to be at high DOK levels – it depends on the outcome you want.

14 Ways to Connect with Classroom Instruction
DOK – Depth of Knowledge Ask Question Types at all Levels Reasoning (showing a strategy) Analyze Your Reasons - Why are they Relevant? Explaining Your Thinking – Evaluative Thinking Analyzing Relationship Thinking – How Does this Effect……? Follow Through – Follow Through – Follow Through Applying what was learned across domains Why DOK? Every standard has been assigned a DOK level. Students are expected to show standard mastery which means they will be answering Questions from DOK Levels 1 – 4 – some are a 2 – many/most are a 3 – and a PT is a 4.

15 DOK Question Prompts for Problem Solving (created for counselors)
What happened? Why did it happen? What was the cause? When did ______happen? What can you tell me that supports___? Who was there? List the facts that contributed to____. Where did ______happen? What was the most likely reason for __? Explain how ______happened. What best explains why ___did/not___? DOK-3 DOK-4 Note: For a true DOK of 4 – these questions would be followed up by reporting back on how new or alternate solutions are working in other ways. Which action would have been the best choice for _____? How do you know? When does ___ most often occur? How would you change it? If the results of _____ are always ____ what can you best predict will happen if _____? What is the best solution for _______? How did the action of ___contribute most to ___? What can you conclude (or learn) from this? What effect did the action of _____ have on ____ that was not intended? What other situations has this happened in? What is the best solution for ___? Explain. What information tells you that ______ (name several sources)? What does this help you learn about your situation? Would you have ____ if ____? Write or draw to explain your thinking. Should you continue to _____ in order to ___? Explain why your answer is the best solution. Use examples from past experiences. What do you think about ____? Does your thinking affect ______? Explain. Considering the options of ____,____ and ____, which is best for _____? Why? What conclusions can you learn from ____ about _____? Has your perspective changed? How might this affect _______? What alternative to _____makes the most sense? Another way to ask questions for different DOK levels.


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