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Presentation on theme: "MMS FORMAL PROPOSAL By: Kalynn McElrath."— Presentation transcript:


2 The budget The 8th grade students of MMS have come up with a formal proposal. We have $9,635 to use towards our last dance here. This money should cover the location, band, refreshments, and decorations. The money left over will go to our class project. In this presentation, I will show you the plans I have for formal.

3 Trade offs: entertainment
Cost Description of the bands $1,000 a local cover band from Montgomery $2,500 better cover band from Birmingham $4,000 even better cover band from Atlanta $5,000 a popular, new group from Atlanta $6,500 popular, nationally known band from LA or NYC $8,000 well known, internationally known band from LA or NYC

4 Entertainment For the formal, I have chosen to do a cover band from Birmingham. This band is not the same one we have at every dance. It is better and more popular. I chose this option because it is formal there is no need in going out and getting a real popular band. So if we use our money wisely by getting a better band a not same old same old, we can spend money in other needed areas.

5 Trade offs: Location Name of the places
Cost Name of the places $0 Millbrook Middle School: Gym or Cafeteria $500 Millbrook Civic Center $1,000 Wetumpka Civic Center $2,000 Marriott Hotel at RTJ Golf Course in Prattville $3,000 Renaissance Hotel in Downtown Montgomery

6 Location The location for the MMS formal I chose is the Wetumpka Civic Center. This place is definitely better than our school or the Millbrook Civic Center. I chose this particular location because some things should be saved for prom. Having a formal for 7th and 8th graders at a hotel is a little too over the top. I believe in tradition, and the hotel is reserved for prom in my book.

7 Trade offs: Decorations & Refreshments
Cost Types of Decorations & Refreshment Choices $750 Decorations only- no food or drinks $1,250 Decorations plus light snacks and drinks catered $3,000 Decorations plus MORE (3 times as many) snacks and drinks catered $5,000 Decorations plus a full meal with dessert catered

8 Decorations & refreshments
The option for decoration & refreshments I chose was decorations plus a light snack and drinks. I chose this option because we need decorations and refreshments, but not a full meal and reception-like decoration. This option is also cost effective and leaves money for other party involvements and our class project. At the formal, we do not plan to feed you dinner you can go out somewhere afterward. Now, I will calculate the money and come up with a total for the formal and class project.

9 Total cost MMS Formal Class Project $2,500 : Entertainment $1,000 :Location $1,250 :Decoration & Refreshments = $4,750 :Total Cost $9,635 : Amount of Money $4,750 : Cost of formal = $4,885 : Available for Class Project My total cost for formal may be low, but it will be great and not over the top.

10 Class project A class project I would like to do is renovate the bathroom doors. The bathroom doors are very old and are in need of an uplift. The doors would make the bathrooms look much cleaner. With my calculations we could do 22 doors and use $4,884. We would have everyone help the workers install the doors or take a class before. The guys could work to install the door, and girls could take out the trash or smash the doors. To me this is a much needed problem to fix. ARIS has better bathrooms than us which is ashamed because we have more people. Renovating the bathroom doors would make our school a better environment to learn in.

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