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DoD Automatic Test Systems (ATS) Strategies

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1 DoD Automatic Test Systems (ATS) Strategies
JTEG Forum on “Automation in Maintenance” 24 April 2018 Bill Ross (NAVAIR PMA260 Support)

2 Automatic Test Systems or ATS
Complex electronic test and diagnostics equipment Diagnose a failure and verify the repair Used for factory acceptance and at all levels of maintenance Hundreds of different types in DoD inventory and tens of thousands of weapon system application specific test programs Here’s some general background. Automatic Test Systems are computer controlled testers that are used at all levels of maintenance. Most of what we’ll discuss here revolves around the I and D levels. There are some O-level automatic testers, but they are generally small suitcase testers and are not as important to TOC as are the bigger, more expensive and more complex testers used at I and D levels.

3 What is an ATS for Electronics Systems?
+ TPS Dev. Environment + TPS ATE = ATS UUT ATS = Automatic Test System ATE = Automatic Test Equip. TPS = Test Program Set UUT = Unit Under Test

4 DoD ATS Inventory 1990s – over 600 Types
You can see from the pictures that these testers are expensive and complex, and require considerable skills to operate. This is why DoD spent the $50 billion from 1980 to 1992 on ATS. Here is what the money was spent on.

5 In 1994, OSD established the DoD ATS Executive Directorate
The DoD ATS Problem ATS The 600 different types of ATS in the 90’s had similar capability and purpose We paid for similar designs multiple times Unique labor skills are required to operate, maintain and support each ATS Had no interoperability among the different ATS types ATS did/does not leverage available valuable diagnostic data An Office Secretary of Defense (OSD) study revealed that $51B was invested by DoD on ATS from 1980 – 1992 Etc. In 1994, OSD established the DoD ATS Executive Directorate To better manage ATS across the Services

6 DoD ATS ED Role Has Evolved Over Time
1995 – 2005 Focused on: STRUCTURING, POLICIES, and PROCEDURES Got the ATS Proliferation under better control 2004 – 2015 Focused on: TEST TECHNOLOGY DEMONSTRATIONS and MATURITY Designated DoD ATS Standard families of ATS 2016 – And On PERFORMING and COOPERATION 6

7 DoD ATS Executive Directorate (ED)
Two Primary Organizational Elements DoD ATS Management Board or AMB Senior ATS leader from each Service Joint Services Integrated Product Teams or IPTs Service members interested in the IPT topic

8 DoD ATS ED Joint Services IPTs
ATS Framework IPT Define and manage a standard DoD ATS Framework (open architecture) NxTest IPT Assess and demonstrate emerging ATE test technologies TPS IPT Optimize TPS acquisition and sustainment Cyber Security IPT Jointly address ATS Cyber Security challenges ATS Processes Address overarching DoD ATS processes

9 DoD ATS Framework IPT ATS Objective -- Define the “Key Interface Elements” needed to effect: Interoperability Reduce life cycle costs Reduce logistics footprint Improve the quality of test ATS Framework currently identifies 25 Key Interface Elements Working with industry standards bodies to develop and mature needed standards that define the Elements Currently focused on the standards that support PHM data transfer and TPSs .

10 DoD NxTest IPT ATS Objective – Assess, demonstrate, and plan implementation of emerging test technologies To meet current and future weapon system mission requirements Each months hold a test technology Industry Week Next scheduled for October 2018 Current test technology focus areas: Net Centric functions – PHM Addressing High Speed Buss EO test capability RF test capability FPGA initiatives Addressing Anti-Tamper and Cyber Security requirements Increasing TPS throughput initiatives

11 DoD ATS Standardization
Then -- over 600 different types Now -- one type per service Standard DoD ATS Families ATS proliferation is now under control Service’s ATS looks different outside (operational differences) but much the same inside

12 DoD ATS Families Naval Aviation - CASS FoT
Ground Marines – TETS and VIPERT Family F-35 - LM-STAR family Army – NGATS Family Air Force – VDATS Family 12

13 Key Accomplishments ATS A Joint Services organizational structure put in place Established DoD and Service ATS non-proliferation policies Managed the ATS proliferation problem Designated DoD Standard ATS Families Each Service managing the modernize of their Standard ATS Family Define a Technical Open System Framework for ATS 24 Key Interface Elements selected Some Key Elements defined with Standards Coordinated and leveraged test technology investments Jointly demonstrated the current generation of ATS

14 Joint ATS Way Forward ATS Continue to work to stay ahead of emerging weapon system test requirements Address capability gaps in our test systems Coordinate closely with the test industry Continue to look for opportunities to leverage Service test technology investments and for common implementations across the Services maintenance environments At a test system level or sub-system/instrument level Continue to develop ATS tools based on the ATS Framework standards Focus area -- working to improved big data and data analytics functions with ATS Establishing a joint Services ATS PHM Working Group

15 Weapon System Real Time & Historical Data
ATS Interfaces -- As Is ATS Data ATS ATS Data Analytics Weapon System Real Time & Historical Data Std Laptop PEMA Weapon System Data Analytics TPS Smart Application Test Instrument Capability UUT Models ALE, Maintenance Systems Capability Data TPS TPs UUT Induction Requirements Data ATE Capability Model (SSM) TPS Development Tools ATS Planning Tool Green lines = IEEE format Weapon System Related ATS Related ATE Workload Model

16 ATS Digital Data Transfer/Analytics Improvements (notional)
ATS Data ATS ATS Data Analytics Weapon System Real Time & Historical Data Std Laptop Test Results, Run Times PEMA “SMART” Diagnostics GiG Switches Weapon System Data Analytics TPS Smart Application Test Instrument Capability UUT Models ALE, Maintenance Systems Capability Data TPS TPs UUT Induction Requirements Data Run Times ATE Capability Model (SSM) Flight Hours Failure Rates Requirements Data TPS Development Tools UUT/Station Mapping Data UUT/Station Mapping Data ATS Planning Tool Green lines = IEEE format Weapon System Related ATS Related ATE Workload Model

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