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Preparations for a Lehman Review

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1 Preparations for a Lehman Review
Elton Smith Hall D Collaboration Meeting Dec 11-13, 2003

2 Project acquisition process and CDs
DOE Order (Initiated by the Office of the Chief Financial Officer)

3 Project phases and federal budget
BR=Budget Request, PED=Project and Engineering Design Funds

4 Change Requests for G0 Experiment
Cost Schedule Performance Approval 1 Minor, within WBS line item (<$5K or 1%) “float” No impact Subsystem manager 2 Within subsystem contingency allocation (>$5k or 1%) < 1 Quarter delay of milestone Sub-system change not affecting subsystem performance or scope Above plus Project manager and Spokesperson 3 Within overall G0 contingency (>$100k or 10%) > 1 Quarter delay of milestone Subsystem change affecting subsystem performance but not G0 performance Above plus L. Cardman and Executive Committee 4 > 1 Quarter delay of major project milestone Technical scope change, affects experiment capability Above plus Agencies

5 “Lehman” review gives CD-1 approval
Review of entire 12-GeV project Cost Schedule Technical scope Prerequisites Acquisition plan CDR Preliminary project execution plan and baseline range Project data sheet for design Verification of mission need Preliminary hazard analysis report

6 Practically, CD-1 is an approval of
CDR pCDR + section on accelerator + cost and schedule book Best preparation are the subsystem reviews that we are undertaking Cost and schedule will have to be covered (perhaps at a later stage)

7 BABAR Conceptual Design Review
Combined a requirements review with their conceptual review Level for conceptual design was one level below a “module” WBS and preliminary cost estimate Interface document to other systems Grounding and shielding plan Report of the Electronics Review

8 Are there any major items missing in the R&D list
Are there any major items missing in the R&D list? Is the priority given to each appropriate? It is critical that the choices made in the readout architecture reflect requirements imposed by the physics and detector choices. Balance priority between design and prototyping Report of the Electronics Review

9 A guess at the process Assess costs and schedule of 12-GeV upgrade project Adjust cost of project (accelerator and 4 halls) if “outside the box” Review scope in light of cost envelop Process will include PAC, similar to pCDR review Not clear at which point we will need to “de-scope” Conduct an internally commissioned review of project Based on outcome, schedule the DOE (Lehman) review of project

10 Impact of budget profile on schedule
Fiscal years 02 03 04 05 06 07 01 Constant-effort budget in FY02* & O413.3 08 09 *Assumes increases beyond constant-effort in subsequent years. Constant-effort budget continues thru FY03* 10 Orig. schedule CD-0 CD-1 CD-4 CD-2 CD-3

11 Lab resources after CD-0
Assignment of Budget Current staff Determine the speed with which CD-1 can be achieved

12 Manpower (JLab)

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