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Character Analysis and Inference

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1 Character Analysis and Inference
To investigate the way in which characters are described. To be able to make inferences about characters from analysing language.

2 What can you tell about this man from the way that he looks?
What kind of person is he? Inference The process of decoding a text or image to make assumptions about what is actually happening. ‘Reading between the lines.’

3 Quotations Inference Discuss the following:
The language in the quotation: What are the key words? What the language tells us: What do these words suggest about the character(s)? What we can infer from this language: What do we think these characters’ personalities are like? You should annotate your extract, focussing on language.

4 Extract Annotation Use one colour highlighter for George, another for Lennie and a third for parts that refer to both characters.

5 “They had walked in a single file down the path, and even in the open one stayed behind the other.”

6 “Both were dressed in denim trousers and in denim coats with brass buttons. Both wore black, shapeless hats and both carried tight blanket rolls slung over their shoulders”

7 “The first man was small and quick, dark of face, with restless eyes and sharp, strong features.

8 “Every part of him was defined: small, strong hands, slender arms, a thin and bony nose.”

9 “Behind him walked his opposite, a huge man, shapeless of face, with large, pale eyes, with wide, sloping shoulders”

10 “…and he walked heavily, dragging his feet a little, the way a bear drags his paws. His arms did not swing at his sides, but hung loosely.”




14 Points about George & Lennie

15 What do you learn about George and Lennie from the text?
PEEL Paragraphs What do you learn about George and Lennie from the text? Two PEELA paragraphs One about George, one about Lennie Discuss and analyse physical appearance What can be inferred about them

16 SOLO Evaluation They have identified key ideas and selected appropriate evidence to support. (Point & Evidence) They have explained the evidence and what readers can infer from it. (Explanation) They have analysed language and explained the effect on the reader/the image that is created. (Lang. Analysis) They have hypothesised about extended/alternative meanings in texts and evaluated the overall significance of language. (Extended/Alternative View)

17 Research 1930s America focussing on:
Home Learning Research 1930s America focussing on: The Great Depression American Dream Migrant Workers Bring in at least 3 pieces of information written in your own words. Due: Lesson 4

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