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Room 113 News Friday November 11th, 2016 Important dates:

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1 Room 113 News Friday November 11th, 2016 Important dates:
Shine Student is Nicholas 11/15: Parent-Teacher Conferences & Book Fair- First Grade day to shop 11/18 SCAAP Day for students who received a certificate Monday 11/21: First and Second Grade Thanksgiving Prayer Service 11/23-11/25: No school for students- Thanksgiving Break! Week of 11/28: Grace Before Meals prayer test 11/14-12/14: Annual Food Drive Important Information: There WILL NOT be a spelling test next week! It was great to see so many of you at conferences last night! I am looking forward to meeting with the rest of you on Monday.  The Scholastic Book Fair will be from 11/10 to 11/16. Our day to buy is Tuesday the 15th. You may send money to school with your child if you want them to purchase books here. The Book Fair will also be open during Tuesday evening conferences. Please send in $.50 for a gift for our priests’ Christmas gifts! Our annual food drive starts on Monday and will end on Dec. 14th. Any non-perishable donations are accepted. Thanks in advance for your donations! There will be no white envelope or newsletter next week. Graded papers are being returned during conferences. Any additional papers will be sent home on Tuesday. We will be having a prayer test on the Grace Before Meals prayer the week of November 28. Here is the text of the prayer to practice: Bless us O Lord, and these thy gifts which we are about to receive, from thy bounty, through Christ our Lord. Amen. Our special Thanksgiving snack and prayer service is Monday 11/21! We have been learning about the Pilgrims and Native Americans as part of our Social Studies unit on history. We will join with the second graders to celebrate together. Thank you to everyone who sent in items to help with this fun day! For the Advent season, we will be reading scriptures from the Bible about the many people that were waiting for the birth of Jesus. We will also be studying the Church calendar as a new Church year begins. I wish all of you a blessed and happy Thanksgiving with your families! Enjoy the extra time together. 

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