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Today I would like to talk to you about conversations

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1 Today I would like to talk to you about conversations
Today I would like to talk to you about conversations. Not just ordinary ones but the ones that can change lives. Inspiring these types of conversations is the reason R U OK? exists, and what I’ll be sharing with you today.

2 Conversations that change lives are the ones that help people to open up about how they’re feeling and it all starts with 3 little words…

3 It’s true that ‘Are you ok
It’s true that ‘Are you ok?’ is a phrase that is used every day with little or no thought at all. It’s sometimes more of a statement than a question.

4 But the truth is, these 3 little words can open up a conversation….

5 And help someone admit that they’re over-whelmed, struggling with a problem or simply tired of life.

6 But the conversation will only start if you ask the question with a real desire to listen, to be there and spend time with that person, and not judge. If you are quick to jump to conclusions, or rush the conversation, the friend or family member or workmate who might need your support will find it hard to open up. So be ready to ask the question and be ready to hear ‘I’m not ok’.

7 Who do you know that might need to be asked that question?

8 It could be someone you know who’s struggling with any number of life’s problems

9 And you giving them an opportunity to talk about what’s on their mind…

10 Shows that you care…

11 And that you’re someone they can count on.

12 But what if you ask ‘are you ok. ’ and the person isn’t
But what if you ask ‘are you ok?’ and the person isn’t? Here are some steps to help you keep the conversation going… ‘no’

13 Find somewhere to chat that’s private and comfortable for you both
Find somewhere to chat that’s private and comfortable for you both. Somewhere where there’ll be no pressure to end the conversation quickly.

14 Open questions are a great way to guide the conversation… Questions that start with ‘how long’ or ‘what has been happening’ or ‘why do you think that is’ can help the person open up.

15 Next step is to listen to what they have to say without judging what they’re going through.

16 It can be tempting to give quick answers.
However, we should avoid saying ‘I know what you’re going through’…

17 Or ‘Look on the bright side’

18 Or ‘just focus on the positives’….

19 Instead, what we should say is ‘you’re not alone’

20 Or… ‘How can I help you?’

21 Or… ‘I’m here for you and I want to listen to what you have to say.’

22 Once they start to admit they’re struggling, help them take one small step to improve their situation.

23 It could be they need see their doctor or the school counsellor if they’ve been feeling really low for more than 2 weeks.

24 They might need to talk to their Head of House, a teacher or a their parents about an issue

25 We can change the world with 3 simple words

26 We are now going to play a game called “Fast Friends”

27 Fast Friends - Practising asking questions of each other.
Fast Friends is practising asking questions of each other

28 Fast Friends - Pair up with somebody near you and ask them the following questions: One person will ask the question The other person will have 30 seconds to respond Then swap roles For each question speak to a different person You will pair up with somebody near you and ask them some questions. One person will ask the question, the other person will have 30 seconds to respond. Then you can swap roles and listen to the other person For each question speak to a different person

29 What’s your Favourite song?
Fast Friends - Pair up with somebody near you and ask them the following questions: What’s your Favourite song? What’s your happiest memory?

30 What would make up a "perfect" day for you?
Fast Friends - Pair up with somebody near you and ask them the following questions: What would make up a "perfect" day for you? What would make up a "perfect" day for you?

31 " Are you OK? " Fast Friends -
Pair up with somebody near you and ask them the following questions: " Are you OK? " " Are you OK? "

32 Thank you

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