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Word List: tact, tang, tag, tig

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Presentation on theme: "Word List: tact, tang, tag, tig"— Presentation transcript:

1 Word List: tact, tang, tag, tig

2 What the roots that mean touch?

3 the roots tact, tang, tag, and tig

4 What is the word that means to twist together so that it’s complicated to free two things from touching?

5 entangle to twist together; making it complicated to free two things from touching

6 What is the word that describes a food or sauce that has a sharp taste or flavor?

7 tangy a sharp taste or flavor immediately sensed upon touch with the tongue

8 What is the word that means that something is whole or complete?

9 intact whole; not damaged by touch

10 What is the word that means that something is able to be touched because it physically exists?

11 tangible able to be touched

12 What is the word that describes what a person is if he or she can spread germs that make another person ill?

13 contagious capable of transmitting an illness, infection , or disease by touch

14 What is the word that describes what long hair is like first thing in the morning?

15 tangled touching in a snarl; connected together in a disorderly way

16 What is the word that describes an activity that involves actions with the hands or fingers?

17 tactile perceptible to the touch; used for feeling

18 What is the word that names what it is called when a person is talking and then strays onto another subject?

19 tangent touching at a single point but not intersecting; a sudden digression or change of topic within a conversation; no longer touching on the subject

20 What is the word that describes what you have with someone when you touch them?

21 contact state or condition of touching

22 What is the word that describes two things that are next to each other, such as two states or office buildings?

23 contiguous adjacent; touching; sharing an edge or boundary

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