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Causes of the Industrial Revolution

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1 Causes of the Industrial Revolution

2 Industrial Revolution:
A series of inventions that brought new uses to known energy sources, new machines to improve efficiencies and enable other new inventions. eg. steam engine, iron smelting, water pump

3 Beginning of Industrial Revolution
When and where did the industrial revolution begin? In Great Britain in the mid to late 1700s Why Great Britain? Agricultural revolution New ideas on how to farm make natural resources like cotton more abundant Flow of capital (money and resources) due to mercantilism Fuel Resources: coal, iron ore, and water power

4 Agricultural Revolution
New farming technique made agriculture more efficient Crop Rotation Fertilization Fields were much larger, but still used the same amount of labor Seed drill allows farmers to plant without wasting seeds!

5 Agricultural Revolution
Crop rotation allows soil to remain more productive!

6 Flow of Capital (money) into Europe, 1775
Needed flow of capital in order to fuel the industrial revolution.

7 Cities specialized in one area of industry, usually based on the natural resources around them.
Textiles (cloth) Production: Liverpool and Manchester Iron Production: Birmingham Coal Mining: Newcastle

8 Even though Britain makes it illegal to share the factory system, businessmen like Samuel Slater memorize factory and machine plans and take them to new places.

9 Ideas developed during the Industrial Revolution
Specialization /Division of Labor – Each worker has a narrow task to complete For example, no worker in a modern car factory makes an entire car from start to finish. Instead, some workers specialize in painting, others in frame assembly, while other workers install seats or dashboards.  Mass Production- Factories created a large amount of a particular item, often on assembly lines

10 Effects of the Industrial Revolution
Positive Negative Increase in size of the Middle Class Urbanization leads to cultural and educational centers Good become more widely available Increased amounts of food New Methods of transportation Poor working conditions Urbanization leads to poor living conditions Pollution Deforestation to allow for growth of cities Child Labor

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