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SCG Meeting Brussels, 9 February 2017

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1 SCG Meeting Brussels, 9 February 2017
BLUE2 Study Study on EU integrated policy assessment for the freshwater and marine environment, on the economic benefits of EU water policy and on the costs of its non-implementation SCG Meeting Brussels, 9 February 2017

2 The BLUE2 Study has 2 parts.

3 Objectives and Tasks Part A:
Collect and generate solid economic arguments supporting the full implementation of EU water policy A1 – Literature review A2 – Demonstrating that water is a key resource for economic growth in the EU A3 – Assessment of the costs and benefits of the proper implementation of the EU water acquis in 8 river basins A4 – Improving the competitiveness of the EU water sector and promoting a more efficient use of water A5 – Stakeholder workshops Part B: Develop of an integrated policy assessment method and software linked to models of the freshwater and marine environment B1 – Establishment of an EU pressure inventory B2 – Establishment of an EU water and marine measures database B3 – Scenario design B4 – Freshwater and marine benefits concept and model assessment tool

4 PART A Editable process timeline and icons
Feb-april 2017 MS and expert consultations Tasks A2, A3 and A4 Data, methodologies and 8 river basins MS and expert review on report Tasks A2 and A4A MS and expert consultations (cont’d) Tasks A3 4 river basin scenarios Week Workshops MS and experts’ feedback Tasks A2 and A4A Week Workshops MS and experts’ feedback Tasks A3 and A4B Week 27 2018 Final report Part A Draft final report A2,A4A and Progress report A3, A4B Week Draft final report A3 and A4B Week Progress report A2 and A4A July 2017 Final report A2,A4A Week Final report A3,A4B Week Aug-Sept 2017 Editable process timeline and icons Please remember to delete this text and sample from your presentation! Slide with editable process timeline and icons

5 PART B Editable process timeline and icons
Feb-May 2017 MS and expert consultations Tasks B1 and B2 Data on Pressures and measures MS and expert review on report Tasks B1, B2 and B4 MS and expert consultations (cont’d) All part B Week Workshops MS and experts’ feedback on methodolo-gies Tasks B3 and B4 Nov.17 – Feb. 18 MS and expert consultations (cont’d) All part B Week Workshops MS and experts’ feedback Tasks B1, B2, B3 and B4 Q4-2018 Workshops MS and experts’ feedback Part A+B End 2018 Final report Part A +B 1. Progress report Databases and methodologies B1, B2 and B4 June 2017 3. Progress report All part B Incl. benefits software Week 2. Progress reports B1, B2 and B3 Week Training Support JRC Q3-Q4 2018 July-October 2017 Editable process timeline and icons Please remember to delete this text and sample from your presentation! Slide with editable process timeline and icons

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