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PDS Coalition Meeting April 22, 2016

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1 PDS Coalition Meeting April 22, 2016
Ann Yates, Education Program Consultant Teacher Licensure and Accreditation

Evaluation Systems The ultimate goal of all educator evaluations should be… TO IMPROVE TEACHING AND LEARNING

3 Evaluation Requirements

4 Evaluation Timelines and Deadlines

5 Kansas Performance Matrix
SP Summary Rating Met Highly Effective Not Met Effective Developing Ineffective Student Learning Content Knowledge Instructional Practice Professional Responsibility IPP Summary Rating HE Highly Effective E Effective D Developing IE Ineffective Final Summative Rating Highly Effective Highly Effective or Effective Effective or Developing Effective Developing Developing or Ineffective Ineffective Should meet at least two SPs to be considered effective, highly effective or the equivalent for the SP Summary Rating. Meeting only one SP may indicate educator is developing or the equivalent for the SP Summary Rating. Meeting no student performance expectations may indicate educator is ineffective in the area. The Final Summative Rating can only be rated one performance level higher than the lowest summary rating. When both summary ratings are the same, that rating becomes the Final Summative Rating. NOTE: Kansas State Assessments are not required as a performance indicator in educator evaluations. IE = Ineffective D = Developing E = Effective HE = Highly Effective

6 Matrix Rules used to determine educator impact on student performance
Should meet at least two SPs to be considered effective, highly effective or the equivalent for the SP Summary Rating. Meeting only one SP may indicate educator is developing or the equivalent for the SP Summary Rating. Meeting no student performance expectations may indicate educator is ineffective in the area. The Final Summative Rating can only be rated one performance level higher than the lowest summary rating. When both summary ratings are the same, that rating becomes the Final Summative Rating.

7 Educator Evaluation Systems
FINAL SUMMATIVE Rating Instructional Practice Protocol Summary Rating Student Learning Content Knowledge Instructional Practice Professional Responsibility Student Performance Summary Rating Student Performance 1 Student Performance 2 Student Performance 3




11 Self-assessment

12 Goals

13 Record IPP Summary Rating Pt. 1

14 Record IPP Summary Rating Pt. 2

15 Record IPP Summary Rating Pt. 3

16 Student Performance Definitions
Student performance can be positively measured academically, vocationally and/or behaviorally. Student performance can be defined as the application of knowledge. Student performance is a result of showing positive growth in meeting established standards and proficiencies. Student performance is showing growth in learning over time.

17 Student Performance Methods
Certifications Civic engagement/ Service learning College credits Grades Individual Education Plans Individual Plans of Study Local assessments MTSS Participation in activities Portfolios Pre-Post competency exams Rubrics Soft skill demonstration State assessments Student interviews Student work samples Surveys

18 Impact on Student Performance
Low Impact High Impact How many ways does an educator positively impact student performance?

19 Record Student Performance Summary Rating

20 Record Final Summative Rating

21 Educator Evaluation Systems
FINAL SUMMATIVE Rating Instructional Practice Protocol Summary Rating Student Learning Content Knowledge Instructional Practice Professional Responsibility Student Performance Summary Rating Student Performance 1 Student Performance 2 Student Performance 3

22 All Evaluation Systems Should Be:
Administratively feasible Publicly credible Professionally accepted Legally defensible Economically affordable

23 Contact Information: Ann Yates Education Program Consultant Teacher Licensure and Accreditation Kansas State Department of Education

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