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Professor Ronald L. Carter

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1 Professor Ronald L. Carter
Semiconductor Device Modeling and Characterization EE5342, Lecture 13 -Sp 2002 Professor Ronald L. Carter L13 26Feb02

2 npn BJT currents (F A region, ©RLC)

3 npn BJT topology x x’ p-Base n-Collector N-Emitter z WB WB+WC -WE x”c
Charge Neutral Region Depletion Region x x’ p-Base n-Collector N-Emitter z WB WB+WC -WE x”c x” xB x’E IE IC IB L13 26Feb02

4 E current equations in FA mode npn BJT
L13 26Feb02

5 C current equations in FA mode npn BJT
L13 26Feb02

6 FA npn figure of merit emitter eff
L13 26Feb02

7 FA npn figure of merit base transp
L13 26Feb02

8 FA npn figure of merit recomb fact
L13 26Feb02

9 E current equations in npn BJT (w/o gen/rec)
L13 26Feb02

10 C current equations in npn BJT (w/o gen/rec)
L13 26Feb02

11 Common base current gain, a
aT d L13 26Feb02

12 Common base current gain, a (cont.)
L13 26Feb02

13 Common emitter current gain, b
L13 26Feb02

14 Ebers-Moll Model (Neglecting G-R curr)
(Fig. 9.30* Semiconductor Physics & Devices, by Neamen, Irwin, Chicago, 1997, * throughout) -JEAE=IE JCAC=IC L13 26Feb02

15 Ebers-Moll Model (No G-R curr)
-JEAE = IE JCAC = IC E B C aRIR aFIF (Fig Semiconductor Physics & Devices, by Neamen, Irwin, Chicago, 1997, * throughout) L13 26Feb02

16 Source of Ebers- Moll Equations (E)
L13 26Feb02

17 Source of Ebers- Moll Equations (C)
L13 26Feb02

18 Recombination/Gen Currents (FA)
L13 26Feb02

19 Non-ideal effects in BJTs
Base-width modulation (FA: xB changes with changes in VBC) Current crowding in 2-dim base High-level injection (minority carriers g.t. dopant - especially in the base). Emitter Bandgap narrowing (NE ~ density of states at cond. band. edge) Junction breakdown at BC junction L13 26Feb02

20 npn Base-width mod. (Early Effect)
Fig 9.15* L13 26Feb02

21 Base-width modulation (Early Effect, cont.)
Fig 9.16* L13 26Feb02

22 Emitter current crowding in base
Fig 9.21* L13 26Feb02

23 Interdigitated base fixes emitter crowding
Fig 9.23* L13 26Feb02

24 Non-ideal effects in BJTs
Base-width modulation (FA: xB changes with changes in VBC) Current crowding in 2-dim base High-level injection (minority carriers g.t. dopant - especially in the base). Emitter Bandgap narrowing for NE --> density of states at cond. band. edge Junction breakdown at BC junction L13 26Feb02

25 Base region high- level injection (npn)
L13 26Feb02

26 Effect of HLI in npn base region
Fig 9.17* L13 26Feb02

27 Effect of HLI in npn base region (cont)
L13 26Feb02

28 Effect of HLI in npn base region (cont)
L13 26Feb02

29 Emitter region high- level injection (npn)
L13 26Feb02

30 Effect of HLI in npn emitter region
L13 26Feb02

31 Effect of HLI in npn base region
Figs 9.18 and 9.19* L13 26Feb02

32 Bandgap narrowing effects
Fig 9.20* Replaces ni2 throughout L13 26Feb02

33 Junction breakdown at BC junction
Reach-through or punch-through when WCB and/or WEB become large enough to reduce xB to zero Avalanche breakdown when Emax at EB junction or CB junction reaches Ecrit. L13 26Feb02

34 References * Semiconductor Physics & Devices, by Donald A. Neamen, Irwin, Chicago, 1997. L13 26Feb02

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