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Project for the Unit 2 Part 1 - Instruction manual

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1 Project for the Unit 2 Part 1 - Instruction manual
Specific competency: Understand and write instructions to face an environmental emergency. Parts of the project (3) STEP #1.- Choose one environmental emergency: Title 1 Environmental emergency FLOOD (Inundación) TSUNAMI FIRE (Incendio) INFLUENZA TOXIC WASTE DUMPING (Vertido de desechos tóxicos) HURRICANE (Huracán) OIL SPILL (Derrame de petróleo) ICE STORM (Tormenta de nieve) WHAT TO DO IN CASE OF EARTHQUAKE STAY CALM STAY AWAY FROM OBJECTS THAT COULD FALL DROP, COVER AND HOLD ON 2 cm border DO NOT USE ELEVATORS USE STAIRS HELP OTHERS Use your creativity! 2 Images (6) 3 Instructions(6) You can only use BLACK, RED or BLUE colors Este es solo un ejemplo, esta prohibido copiarlo.

2 DO’s Keep calm Go to higher ground Evacuate Call to emergency services Wash your hands Keep your family close Stay on the news Abandon your vehicle Climb to the roof Use flashlights Stock food and supplies Protect your home Plan an evacuation route Use emergency exit Provide first aids Crawl through the smoke Use the fire extinguisher Pull alarm Report the incident/emergency Follow the instruction manual Go to a shelter Take your first aids kit -ING 22. No running DON’Ts 23. Do not use elevators 24. Do not waste time on social networks 25. Do not panic 26. Do not drive into flooded areas STAY AWAY FROM… 27. Stay away from power lines 28. Stay away from dirty water 29. Stay away from heavy objects 30. Stay away from electronics 31. Stay away from fire 32. Stay away from sick people Step #2.- Choose 6 instructions and images according to your chosen environmental emergency. 1 8 7 9 16 31 20 6 21 26 25

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