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High Precision Wire Chambers
Feb. 2002 High Precision Wire Chambers at LHC Werner Riegler, CERN Historic remarks Wire chambers at LHC Precision tracking: ATLAS Muon Drift Tubes Precision timing: LHCb Muon Trigger Chambers W. Riegler/CERN
The Basic Objects Tube Geiger- Müller, 1928
Feb. 2002 The Basic Objects Tube Geiger- Müller, 1928 Multi Wire Geometry, in H. Friedmann 1949 G. Charpak 1968 These geometries are widely used at LHC Basic elements are unchanged since many years Electronics has changed considerably W. Riegler/CERN historic remarks
Detector + Electronics 1925
Feb. 2002 Detector + Electronics 1925 were quite different from today ‘Über das Wesen des Compton Effekts’ W. Bothe, H. Geiger, April 1925 Bohr, Kramers, Slater Theorie: energy is only conserved statistically testing Compton effect ‘ Spitzenzähler ’ W. Riegler/CERN historic remarks
Detector + Electronics 1925
Feb. 2002 Detector + Electronics 1925 ‘Über das Wesen des Compton Effekts’, W. Bothe, H. Geiger, April 1925 ‘’Electronics’’: Cylinders ‘P’ are on HV. The needles of the counters are insulated and connected to electrometers. Coincidence Photographs: A light source is projecting both electrometers on a moving film role. Discharges in the counters move the electrometers , which are recorded on the film. The coincidences are observed by looking through many meters of film. W. Riegler/CERN historic remarks
Detector + Electronics 1929
Feb. 2002 Detector + Electronics 1929 ‘were not very different from today’ ‘Zur Vereinfachung von Koinzidenzzählungen’ W. Bothe, November 1929 Coincidence circuit for 2 tubes Geiger Müller Tubes, 1928 W. Riegler/CERN historic remarks
Feb. 2002 Cosmic ray telescope 1934 Rossi 1930: Coincidence circuit for n tubes W. Riegler/CERN historic remarks
ATLAS Muon Chamber 2000 looks fairly similar to 1934 Feb. 2002
W. Riegler/CERN historic remarks
Feb. 2002 Wire Chambers at LHC Cloud Chambers, Bubble Chambers, Spark Chambers … have disappeared but wire chambers are still popular. While the principle detecting element has changed very little, the readout electronics integration has changed dramatically. Situation can be compared to astronomy. Telescope mirrors haven’t changed much but detecting elements (CCDs etc.) improved a lot. W. Riegler/CERN wire chamber at LHC
ATLAS Other than that - Silicon and RPCs Feb. 2002
Cathode Strip Chambers: h=2.54mm, s=2.54mm 67k cathode channels Ar/CO2/CF4 60m Thin Gap Chambers h=1.4mm, s=1.8mm 440k cathode and anode channels n-Pentane /CO2 45/55 : 99% in 25ns with single plane Monitored Drift Tubes R=15mm 370k anode channels Ar/CO2 93/7 80m Transition Radiation Tracker R=2mm 372k anode channels Xe/CO2/CF4 70/10/20 150m Other than that - Silicon and RPCs W. Riegler/CERN wire chamber at LHC
CMS Other than that - Silicon and RPCs Feb. 2002
Rectangular ‘Drift Tubes’ w=42mm, h=10.5mm 195k anode channels Ar/CO2 85/15 250m Cathode Strip Chambers: 2h=9.5mm, s=3.12mm 211k anode channels for timing 273k cathode channels for position Ar/CO2/CF4 30/50/20 m Other than that - Silicon and RPCs W. Riegler/CERN wire chamber at LHC
LHCb Other than that - Silicon and RPCs Feb. 2002
Cathode Strip Chambers: h=2.5mm, s=1.5mm 80k cathode and anode channels Ar/CO2/CF4 40/50/10 t 3ns for two layers Straw Tracker R=2.5mm 110k (51k) anode channels Ar/CO2/CF4 75/10/15 200m Other than that - Silicon and RPCs W. Riegler/CERN wire chamber at LHC
ALICE Feb. 2002 TPC with wire chamber W. Riegler/CERN
mm wire pitch 2 - 3 mm plane separation 570k Readout Pads Ne/CO2 90/10 1mm W. Riegler/CERN wire chambers at LHC
Precision tracking: ATLAS muon system
Feb. 2002 Precision tracking: ATLAS muon system Precision timing: LHCb muon system W. Riegler/CERN
Precision Tracking: ATLAS Muon Drift Tubes
Magnetic field Toroidal magnetic field (0.5T) provided by 8 superconducting coils. Three muon stations ~1200 chambers, Outer diameter ~20m, Sagitta measurement muons with pT=1 TeV/c will show a sagitta of ~500 µm for 10% momentum resolution we need a sagitta measurement accuracy of ~50 µm Monitored Drift Tubes (MDT) each chamber consists of 23 (24) layers of drift tubes ( 3cm) chamber deformations monitored with in-plane alignment system precision tracking
Principle of Operation
Feb. 2002 Principle of Operation Ionization muon produces 100 clusters/cm with 2-3 e- (3 bars Ar/CO2 93/7) Electron Drift maximum drift-time ~800ns for baseline gas Space-drift-time-relation radius r obtained by auto-calibration W. Riegler/CERN precision tracking
Drift Chambers Auto-calibration of the rt-relation
start with good estimate for rt-relation track fit residual distribution rt-relation corrected with the mean of the residual distribution convergence after a few iterations muon tracks with an angular spread (~10°) are used to avoid systematic errors rt-relation with a typical accuracy of 10µm precision tracking
Requirements Parameters Choice of gas
Feb. 2002 Requirements Parameters resolution < 80µm for a single wire 3cm, channels rates up to 500 Hz/cm2 (400 kHz/tube) total charge 1C/cm in 10 years Choice of gas low diffusion, fast, linear, stand 1C/cm Ar/N2/CH4 91/4/5: fast, linear, cannot stand 1C/cm Ar/CO2 93/7: slow, nonlinear, however the only gas known to survive 1C/cm Therefore Ar/CO2 the ATLAS baseline gas ! W. Riegler/CERN precision tracking
Single Tube Performance
Feb. 2002 Single Tube Performance for Ar/N2/CH4 NIMA 443(2000) ‘typical’ signal shape for tp=5 and tp=15ns many ‘spikes’ due to clustering tp=15ns makes the signals more ‘smooth’ Simulated and measured resolution simulation and measurement match very well close to the wire: primary ionization effects far from the wire: diffusion W. Riegler/CERN precision tracking
Single Tube Performance
Feb. 2002 Single Tube Performance for Ar/N2/CH4 NIMA 443(2000) Effect of diffusion increases with distance for the wire Effect of charge deposit fluctuation decreases the primary cluster and time slewing effects W. Riegler/CERN precision tracking
Single Tube Performance
Feb. 2002 Single Tube Performance for Ar/N2/CH4 NIMA 443(2000) Higher gas gain improves resolution (less slewing effects) but no possible due to: aging space charge effects (gain drop) Amplifier bandwidth tp=5ns to tp=15ns: only 10um difference tp=15ns is nicer to handle W. Riegler/CERN precision tracking
Rate Capability, Gain Drop
Feb. 2002 Rate Capability, Gain Drop NIMA 446(2000) W. Riegler/CERN precision tracking
Feb. 2002 Space Charge Effects for Ar/CO2 In addition to gain drop: space charge changes the electric field shift of the rt-relation Variations of the drift field constant space charge wouldn’t give a problem the drift field for the electrons of one event are influenced only by neighboring ion clouds (slice of 1cm) only a few background events influence the drift field (~6 at 1500Hz/cm) this number of preceding events of importance is Poisson distributed each event has a different drift field and hence a different rt-relation resolution deterioration Strong gas dependence linear gases: small effect non-linear gases: dominating effect W. Riegler/CERN precision tracking
Single Tube Performance
Feb. 2002 Single Tube Performance for Ar/CO2 NIMA 446(2000) NIMA 446(2000) Resolution for low rate and 1.4kHz/cm space charge effect deteriorates the resolution the fluctuation of the space charge is responsible calculation matches data very well Effect of gas gain at low rate higher gas gain improves the reoslution at high rate the resolution decreases W. Riegler/CERN precision tracking
ATLAS MDT Front-End Electronics
Feb. 2002 ATLAS MDT Front-End Electronics 3.18 x 3.72 mm Single Channel Block Diagram 0.5m CMOS technology 8 channel ASD + Wilkinson ADC fully differential 15ns peaking time 32mW/channel JATAG programmable Harvard University, Boston University W. Riegler/CERN precision tracking
Precision Timing: LHCb Muon System
Feb. 2002 Precision Timing: LHCb Muon System A muon trigger is given by a coincidence of all 5 muon stations within 25ns >99% efficiency/station in 20ns time window Time resolution <3ns Up to 1MHz/cm2 50% Wire Chambers(MWPCs) 50% RPCs (<1kHz/cm2) W. Riegler/CERN precision timing
Segmentation quadrant of a single station Segmentation in station 2
Feb. 2002 Segmentation quadrant of a single station Segmentation in station 2 R4: x 25 cm2 R3: x 12.5 cm2 R2: 1.25 x 3.15 cm2 R1: 0.63 x 3.1 cm2 Segmentation achieved by connecting wires Wire Pad segmenting cathode Cathode Pad limit to segmentation of cathode pads comes from crosstalk due to direct induction (1-2cm in this case) s=1.5mm, 2h=5mm, developed by PNPI W. Riegler/CERN precision timing
Feb. 2002 Single Station One station consists of 4 gaps forming a single chamber element Two independent front end channels per station LHCb, CERN W. Riegler/CERN precision timing
Cathode Pad Readout Structure
Feb. 2002 Cathode Pad Readout Structure Cathode signals are guided to the chamber side with traces on the bottom of the PCBs. Danger of capacitive crosstalk due to high amplifier bandwidth (tp=10ns). Input resistance must be lower than 50 Traces were carefully designed in order to minimize crosstalk (MAXWELL). LHCb, CERN W. Riegler/CERN precision timing
Full size prototype of inner region (close to beam-pipe)
Feb. 2002 Full size prototype of inner region (close to beam-pipe) LHCb, CERN W. Riegler/CERN
Detector Parameters Parameters Gas parameters Operating point
Feb. 2002 Detector Parameters Parameters 5mm gas gap 30 m wire 1.5mm wire pitch Readout pads on 1.6mm G10 Operating point Ar/CO2/CF4 40/50/10 3150V on wire Gain 105 8kV/cm on cathode, 260kV/cm on wire Gas parameters 21.4 clusters in 5mm for GeV muon (Heed) v 90m/ns (8kV/cm, Magboltz) Proportional mode Average total charge induced on cathode = 0.37pC (gain=105) total avalanche charge=0.74pC W. Riegler/CERN precision timing
Performance of a Single Gap
Feb. 2002 Performance of a Single Gap LHCb, CERN Intrinsic time resolution 3ns optimum amplifier peaking time 10ns W. Riegler/CERN precision timing
Efficiency and Time Resolution
Feb. 2002 Efficiency and Time Resolution Double Gap Efficiency and time resolution vs. HV Efficiency and time resolution vs. threshold LHCb, CERN W. Riegler/CERN precision timing
Comparison with GARFIELD
Feb. 2002 Comparison with GARFIELD Full Simulation primary ionization (HEED) drift, diffusion (MAGBOLTZ) induced signals (GARFIELD) no parameters to tune we understand our detector W. Riegler/CERN precision timing
Measurement of Edge Effects
Feb. 2002 Measurement of Edge Effects LHCb, CERN ‘chamber ends’ 1 gap size from first obstacle ‘chamber ends’ last wire W. Riegler/CERN precision timing
Front End Electronics ‘CARIOCA’
Feb. 2002 Front End Electronics ‘CARIOCA’ 3x4mm prototype, (2.5x3mm final) 0.25m CMOS technology chip is under development 8 channel ASD fully differential 10ns peaking time 30mW/channel UFRJ Rio, CERN W. Riegler/CERN precision timing
Pulse Shaping results from 3 prototype chips on a chamber Feb. 2002
LHCb, CERN detector signal has 1/(t+1.5ns) tail dead time leads to inefficiency shaping circuit for tail cancellation prototype shows <50ns average dead time at the working point W. Riegler/CERN precision timing
Feb. 2002 Conclusions Wire chambers will be widely used at LHC experiments for tracking and triggering. Ar/CO2/CF4 gas mixtures are used because of their good aging properties. Position resolutions of 80 m per single tube and 5ns per single MWPC layer are expected even for large systems. The basic detector elements haven’t changed much, but the front-end electronics integration is progressing fast. The long experience with wire chambers and the fact that one can calculate and predict their behavior very accurately makes this detector a competitive candidate also for future experiments. W. Riegler/CERN
Detector Simulation Garfield (Rob Veenhof) Magboltz (Steve Biagi)
Feb. 2002 Detector Simulation Garfield (Rob Veenhof) electric fields, particle drift, induced signals, electronics …. Magboltz (Steve Biagi) transport properties of gas mixtures Heed (Igor Smirnov) charge deposit of fast particles in gas mixtures Very reliable simulation of all the chamber and signal processes W. Riegler/CERN
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