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Harmony school of science – high

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1 Harmony school of science – high
August 18, 2011

2 Algebra I Topics: Linear/Quadratic/Radical/Exponential Equations, Inequalities, Functions, Systems, Polynomials, Exponents, Factoring, Data Analysis, Probability Pre-requisite: Course 3 Post-requisite: Geometry/AlgebraII/Trigonometry/Calculus Textbook: HOLT Algebra I (provided to students).

3 REQUIRED Materials Spiral notebook for taking class notes Pencils
Erasers 2-inch three ring binder college-rule loose-leaf papers 5-pack dividers

the notebook loose-leaf papers Binder Pencils eraser

5 Homework Policy Accelerated Math (AM)
Main homework sets at least four AM assignments per week Failure to submit AM assignments by the end of the week would result in a Zero. Textbook homework Assigned from book Individual deadlines, see database

6 Grading Policy 45% --- Tests and Quizzes 35% --- Homework assignments
10% --- Class participation 10% --- Notebook and Binder content

7 Grades on Database For AM, the grades will be recorded by Sunday evening For everything else, the grades will be recorded on school database Disclaimer: The content of this syllabus is subject to change. Parents/Guardians will be notified of any changes.


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