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Power & Priority Standards & Follow Up to Exit Pass - Day 2

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1 Power & Priority Standards & Follow Up to Exit Pass - Day 2
Presented By: Alan Cabanting & Melissa (Missy) Beavers July 24, 2015 (Friday)

2 Defining Power Standards:
Department Power Standards AKA Enduring Understanding, Big Ideas Power Standards Central to a discipline and have lasting impact beyond the classroom. Big understandings or themes you want the kids to get out of their classes. Big ideas and understandings that help them in life. Definition is different on each website, in each district, in each book. This is how we are defining it here at Moanalua High School! Alan – Defines what power and priority standards are. 2010 Leadership and Learning Center

3 Defining Priority Standards:
Course or Content Priority Standards AKA Essential Understandings Priority Standards Most important content standards in your specific course or subject. Tied in to a specific skill in that content Definition is different on each website, in each district, in each book. This is how we are defining it here at Moanalua High School! Alan – Defines Priority Standards

4 What Makes a Standard a Power Standard?
Endurance Leverage Essentiality From: Larry Ainsworth & Douglas Reeves – Leadership and Learning Center .

5 1) Endurance: Focus on knowledge and skills beyond a single test
Relevant throughout a student’s lifetime Learning how to read Learning how to interpret a map .

6 2) Leverage: Focus on knowledge and skills in multiple discipline
Writing grammatically and persuasively Interpreting and analysis of data .

7 3) Readiness Focus on knowledge and skills ESSENTIAL for the next grade level Understanding algebraic functions before taking geometry or calculus .

8 Guiding Questions For Identifying Power Standards:
Which Power standards are critical for students to know and understand? Which Power standards – according to our state assessment data – do we especially need to emphasize? Which Power standards represent concepts and skills that will be of value in multiple disciplines?

9 Other things you may want to think about:
Aim for 4-5 Power Standards total to cover for the year Pick at the most 2 or 3 Priority Standards to cover per quarter. Connections to state assessments? Vertical alignment between grade levels?

10 Questions… How important is SBAC when we are deciding on power standards and priority standards? A: Do not choose them with SBAC in mind. Our success standards will cover SBAC ( gather information, problem solving, defend thinking)

11 More Questions… Q: Can writing or reading skills be a power standard?
A: Writing could be a power standard, but it does not have to be argumentative writing, just writing. Argumentative could be one of those types of writing that are taught as an example of powerful writing. A: If you think it’s important in your department.

12 Aren’t the benchmarks your priority standards?
Even More Questions… Aren’t the benchmarks your priority standards? Benchmarks can be priority standards, but only the most important ones!

13 Exemplars: Science (Alan) – 9th Grade Physics Social Studies (Missy)
Further ahead than most Format is totally up to your data team Focus is on the specific skill Revising the past couple of years Ok’d to go with Power Standards Next Gen (Common Core) – 2 years ago Revise again this year Still TOO MUCH stuff to cover Social Studies (Missy) Samples from other schools

14 Putting It Together Using MOHS Success Standards:
Internet Sources Hard Copies People 1) Gather & Analyze Information What is our Power Standards? What is our Priority Standards? 2) Solve Complex Problem 3) Defend with Evidence Why you chose power/priority standards?

15 Something to Keep in Mind:
It is a PROCESS, not an event A MARATHON not an sprint

16 Reference: Data Teams – 2010 Leadership and Learning Center CFA’s – 2008 Leadership and Learning Center

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