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CDE MTSS Overview Slides

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1 CDE MTSS Overview Slides
Fall 2014 What is MTSS? View the MTSS Overview video.

2 “Multi-Tiered System of Supports…”
CDE MTSS Overview Slides Fall 2014 “Multi-Tiered System of Supports…” We would like to begin with a definition of Multi-tiered System of Supports or MTSS. As you read this definition, please note the underlined words as well as the emphasis on MTSS as an overall framework with a prevention focus. The intent is for an entire school/district to intentionally organize and appropriately address the academic and behavior needs of every student using a layered continuum of evidence based practices and systems And why ? To improve student outcomes with every student in mind. Some additional/potential connections: MTSS = one system; multiple tiers and multiple supports within that one system “Whole-school” = everyone in the learning community (all stakeholders, families & students considered, as well) “data-driven” = data drive the decisions within the framework (according to processes and protocols; data do not “drive” the personnel “prevention” = preventing from not reaching “potential”; preventing obstacles impeding student progress “learning” = priority; focus on learning “layered continuum” = having a strong ‘core’ isn’t enough; having ‘quality interventions’ isn’t enough; all has to be equally supportive “evidence-based” = merit of rigorous/powerful/generalizable research to support

3 CDE MTSS Overview Slides
Fall 2014 Every Student, Every Staff, Every Family, and Every School Setting Academic Continuum Behavior Continuum MTSS Integrated Continuum MTSS is the idea of bringing all of our supports together within one integrated continuum of supports. Nothing we do to support our students is left out of this continuum. And it includes everyone, not just some of us. Universal supports are foundational for ALL learners. Supplemental supports we refer to as targeted supports and intensive supports are IN ADDITION TO universal supports—that’s the layered continuum. [Reference can be made here to RtI and PBIS.] Every Educational Program—including Special Ed., ESL, GT, Title, etc. Adapted from the OSEP TA Center for PBIS Adapted from the OSEP TA Center for PBIS

4 CDE MTSS Overview Slides
Fall 2014 Focus on the System To get to “all”, we must pay attention to “every”. We must pay attention to the “system” first, and then, we move to small groups and individuals. -Dave Tilly This quotation from Dave Tilly summarizes what we have been highlighting. It is most efficient and effective to be thinking about how we support the system and then can provide additional supports. Focus first on the universal. We say “every” (each and every student) to ensure we don’t mean “most.” Sometimes, when people say “all,” they imply “most” – not attending fully to the needs of ‘every’. If we are intentional and develop an organized way of addressing every students’ needs, we are more likely to impact more students positively and improve student outcomes.

5 CDE MTSS Overview Slides
Fall 2014 What is MTSS This is our foundational FACT sheet. It describes the essential components of MTSS and how this framework helps schools and districts organize themselves more efficiently to improve student outcomes.

6 CDE MTSS Overview Slides
Fall 2014 Resource Providers collect tool & distribute to tablemates. Reflection Activity Consult: “What is MTSS?” Fact Sheet Steps for Reflection: Individually: Skim the Fact Sheet. Consider all the materials presented in the “what” section (slides, video, & fact sheet). Dialogue at your table about the meaning of MTSS: Consider distinguishing features, “shifts” for individuals/teams, and potential use of the tools/images shared. RECORDER: Write the key “takeaways” on the index card on your table. REPORTER: Be prepared to share out!  Table Talk Timekeeper: You have 5 mins. for steps 1-3 This is a protocol slide.

7 CDE MTSS Overview Slides
Fall 2014 This slide shows the 6 Essential Components (identified in the CO MTSS framework). Each component contributes to the comprehensive system. They overlap and are all in balance; they all support each other equally. (they aren’t ‘sequential’) The use of common language and understanding of these components across all levels of the system (classroom, school, district, state) is crucial to support fidelity, effectiveness, and sustainability of MTSS.

8 CDE MTSS Overview Slides
Fall 2014 8 Guiding Principles of SW PBIS Administrative Leadership Team Implementation Define Concrete Expectations Teach Behavior Expectations Acknowledge and Reward Positive Behavior Monitor and Correct Behavior Use Data for Decision Making Family and Community Partnerships 6 Components of RtI Leadership Problem Solving Curriculum and Instruction Assessment/Progress Monitoring Positive School Climate and Culture Family, School, and Community Partnering MTSS Components Shared Leadership Data-Based Problem Solving and Decision Making Layered Continuum of Supports Evidence-Based Instruction, Intervention, and Assessment Practices Universal Screening and Progress Monitoring Here is a slide intended to reiterate the integrated and blended nature of PBIS & RtI; the Office of Learning Supports staff considered the 8 guiding principles of school-wide PBIS (on top in blue) as well as the 6 components established in the RtI framework (bottom in pink). These were contributions to the outcome (in purple on the right) of the 6 MTSS components (which encapsulate the tenets of both the RtI & PBIS elements). (Note: If you’ve heard the language of “braiding initiatives, you can see how this visual intends to capture some of that thinking.)

9 CDE MTSS Overview Slides
Shared Leadership Data-Based Problem Solving and Decision Making Layered Continuum of Supports Evidence-based Instruction, Intervention and Assessment Practices Universal Screening and Progress Monitoring Family, School, and Community Partnering Fall 2014 Academic Supports Behavior Supports We can also visualize this “MTSS system” idea in an overarching umbrella. Within the overall system, MTSS consists of six components including shared leadership, family, school, and community partnering, data-based problem solving and decision making, universal screening and progress monitoring, evidence based instruction, intervention, and assessment practices, and a layered continuum of supports. Academic, behavior, and any other supports are all housed under this one system or ‘umbrella’. Behavior Supports Academic Supports

10 CDE MTSS Overview Slides
Fall 2014 Colorado MTSS Essential Components This is our fact sheet describing and defining each of the 6 components of MTSS; this handout is also on the MTSS website. Under each definition, there are some examples (or descriptors/indicators) of what each component looks like in practice. Although, this is not an exhaustive list of examples for each component, it can be used as a tool to prompt further discussion about critical elements related to each of the essential components. (Research citations are provided at the end of document.) 10

11 CDE MTSS Overview Slides
Fall 2014 Group Activity Task to complete (as a ‘jigsaw’): Consult: MTSS Components (handout) “Round Robin” Steps for Review: Assemble in groups of Six (number off: 1-6) Each person selects a Component Think/Ink Individually: Read, Reflect, and Annotate ; use the Connections/Reflections boxes Whiparound: Each person shares “big ideas” from his/her Component and 1-3 of his/her own Connections/Reflections Timekeeper: You have 5 mins. for steps 1-3. You have 12 mins. for step 4. This is a protocol slide for potential activity work.

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