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Presentation on theme: "Wattmeter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wattmeter

2 A wattmeter is an electro dynamo – meter instrument used to measure the power in a given circuit . this type of meter has two coils,one is fixed and the other is free to move .

3 Here, a pointer is attached to the movable coil and the deflection is propotional to the repulsive force generated from the currents moving through the two coils .

4 Here , the movement is similar to the darsonval movement .
When the line current flows through the current coil , a field is set around the coil . the strength of this field is proportial to the current and in phase with it .

5 Note: the high value of the resistance connected in series with the potential coil makes that potential circuit as purely as possible .

6 Hence : the part in the potential circuit practically in phase with the line voltage . therefore , when the voltage is applied to the potential circuit . the circuit is propotional to and in phase with the line voltage .

7 Note: The mechanical movement causes a deflection that is propotional to the voltage value of the power . Notice that one end of each coil is usually marked with a ( + ) sign while the other is ( - ) . here an upscale reading is obtained if a ( + ) current is flowing in to the ( + ) end of the current coil while the ( + ) terminal of the potential coil is ( + ) WRT to the end .

8 Example:

9 Solution: Using the mesh analysis analysis: I = ( 11.18 ) / 153.4 A
P = (100)*(11.18)*cos(O-1534) = -1000W Using the down scale deflection for a ( + ) reading.

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