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Tellegami Welcome.

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Presentation on theme: "Tellegami Welcome."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tellegami Welcome

2 Room 42178
Getting to know you

3 Happy Friday song Flip instruction by reading no longer works… want the words to jump off the page read research write communicate




7 Connecting

8 Connecting y9yfxb Group Code

9 Connecting

10 Connecting Remind 101 Text (908) text this and you will be part of today’s class and capable of receiving messages from me. (Of course I won’t use this past today)

11 Connecting

12 Connecting

13 Connecting

14 Connecting

15 Connecting

16 Connecting

17 Connecting

18 Connecting

19 Productivity and Sharing

20 Productivity and Sharing

21 Productivity and Sharing QR

22 Productivity and Sharing


24 Productivity and Sharing

25 Productivity and Sharing

26 Productivity and Sharing

27 Productivity and Sharing

28 Productivity and Sharing

29 Productivity and Sharing

30 Productivity and Sharing

31 Assessing

32 Assessing

33 Assessing

34 Assessing

35 Assessing Activity: login to
look at content in the nearpod store find a useful lesson for a teacher in your district or something you would like to demonstrate Share using poll everywhere

36 Assessing

37 Assessing

38 Assessing

39 Assessing Guest Access Go to:
User name: Teacher Access = TeacherDemo Student Access = StudentDemo Password: blooming (March only) If you would like more information or have any difficulty during your exploration, please contact: SUPPORT TEAM: (800) ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE: Ann Ridgway (732)

40 Assessing

41 Assessing

42 Studying Evernote EvernoteE

43 Studying Sticky Notes

44 Studying

45 Studying

46 Studying

47 Studying

48 Studying

49 Studying

50 Studying


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