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Safety equipment location & proper use

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1 Safety equipment location & proper use
Steven Kim June 14th, 2018

2 Eyewash stations Bossone 525 Used when chemicals go into/near the eyes
Located next to the sink Area behind eyewash should never be occupied - Eyewash needs to be pushed back to be used Needs continuous inspection Disque 502

3 Eyewash stations Go IMMEDIATELY to the eyewash station if chemical splashes in the eye Push back lever or eyewash station itself to activate Hold your eyes open with your fingers Gently roll your eyes in all directions to flush out chemical Fully wash your eye for 15 minutes Take out contact lenses while washing Seek medical help

4 What is wrong in this picture?

5 Emergency shower Locate the emergency shower
Pull the lever, turn on the shower at full blast, stand directly below the water stream Take off all contaminated clothing Clean lab coats may be worn for privacy Separate arms and legs, so that water touches all parts Remain in the shower for at least 15 minutes Drains may not be present at the bottom of the shower

6 Fire extinguisher PASS method - Pull the ring pin - Aim at the base of fire - Squeeze the lever - Sweep nozzle side to side Various types of extinguishers needed for different types of fires - Extinguisher in our lab is type ABC Dry chemical type

7 Fire blanket Fire-retardant blankets, extinguishes by blocking oxygen
Use to cover burning fires Also can be used to wrap a person who caught fire

8 Spill control kit Spill Control Kit located on top of waste cabinet (Bossone), located on top of lab coat shelf (Disque) Gloves, absorbent paper, neutralizing agents included Apply when a minor spill occurs (<300~500 ml) When major spill occurs, evacuate everyone, and call

9 First aid kit




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