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Experimental techniques in reaction kinetics
Kísérleti módszerek Experimental techniques in reaction kinetics
Techniques classified
Batch reactors vs. flow reactors Online methods: real-time in situ detection Offline methods: — aliquot from the batch — “quenched flow” Pseudo-first order (isolation or flooding) method (only if relative concentrations are available) − 𝑑 𝑐 1 𝑑𝑡 =𝑘 𝑐 1 𝑐 2 − 𝑑 𝑐 1 𝑑𝑡 =𝑘′ 𝑐 1 𝑘′=𝑘 𝑐 2 1. measurement of both 𝑐 1 and 𝑐 2 1. 𝑐 1 << 𝑐 2 ; series of measurements at several 𝑐 2 (time dependence of 𝑐 1 ) 2. 𝑘 from the above data 2. 𝑐 2 dependent 𝑘′ from each series 3. 𝑘 from the above 𝑘′( 𝑐 2 ) data Unbiased; higher precision Biased; lower precision
“classical” techniques (time-limit: manipulation time; ~ 1 s)
C4H9Cl + H2O → → C4H9OH + H+ + Cl– Thermometer Electrode Inlet for C4H9Cl Conductivity meter Reaction mixture PC or chart recorder Voltage Thermostatted jacket Magnetic stirrer Time
Discharge flow (time-limit: mixing time; ~ 1 ms)
(„gyorsáramlásos módszer”) H + NO2 → OH + NO To diffusion pump Flow controller OH + C6H12 → products Photomultiplier Microwave discharge To rotary pump Movable injector Monitoring cell Flow tube (reactor) Frequency doubling crystal Excimer laser Sample/hold device Dye laser Trigger pulse
Resonance fluorescence detection
(RF) Photo-multiplier tube Microwave discharge cavity Hydrogen Lamp H2 / He mix inlet outlet Processes in the detection cell Processes in Resonance Lamp a) MW radiation dissociates some H2 a) H atoms absorb photons and become electronically excited b) H atoms absorb energy and become electronically excited b) A portion of isotropically emitted fluorescence photons is detected c) H atoms relax, emit charac-teristic radiation directed into the cell
Laser induced fluorescence detection
(LIF) Energy v’ = 2 v’ = 0 Excitation pulse (282 nm) Fluorescence (308 nm) etc. v’ = 1 Excitation laser tuned to one particular rotational level v’’ = 2 v’’ = 0
Quadrupole mass selector
Mass spectrometry He buffer gas Quadrupole mass selector Ion detector To pumps C2H5+ detected Movable injector Flow tube (reactor) Ion source To pumps To pumps Microwave discharge Cl + C2H6 → HCl + C2H5 Cl2 / He C2H5 + O2 → C2H6O2 → C2H4 + HO2
Continuous liquid flow tube
(„folyamatos áramlásos reaktor”) Reactant A Source Mixing chamber Motor driven syringe plungers Flow tube Reactant B Moveable detector system (spectrometer) Detector
Stopped flow system („megállított áramlásos reaktor”)
Computer control and data acquisition Limit switch Effluent Reactant A Mixing chamber Motor driven syringe plungers Reactor Spectrometer Reactant B
High pressure inert driver gas
Shock tube Real time detection Reaction mixture High pressure inert driver gas Diaphragm Before diaphragm breaks Pressure After diaphragm has broken Incident shock Pressure
Flash photolysis (time-limit: flash pulse width; ~ 1 μs)
Nobel Prize: Norrish, Porter; 1967 Photolysis flash Spectrograph Reactor tube Detection flash
Laser photolysis (time-limit: laser pulse width; ~ 1 μs down to 1 fs)
Beam dump To exhaust Valve to control pressure in reaction vessel Heatable stainless steel reaction vessel Xenon arc lamp Monochromator PMT Slow premixed gas flow Flow controller Digitizer (A/D) Flow controller Gas inlets Computer control and data acquisition Flow controller
Increase in time resolution
időfelbontás Increase in time resolution 1011 times increase within 36 years!! amplified lasers + pulse compression time, seconds picosecond lasers (ring lasers) nanosecond lasers (mode locking) flash photolysis + relaxation flow methods year
Principles of laser operation (”lasing”)
Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation Pumping energy Tuning device Gain medium Auxiliary parts High reflector (non-transparent) Output coupler (partially transparent)
Pulsed lasers Pumping energy Tuning device Saturable absorber
Gain medium High reflector (non-transparent) Output coupler (partially transparent)
Colliding Pulse Mode-locked lasers
(CPM lasers) Tuning device Amplifier Output coupler Absorber Pumping laser
Time scale Time window of elementary reactions human lifespan
időskála 2 Time scale Time window of elementary reactions molecule - photon interaction nuclear motion in atomic nuclei atomic nucleus - neutrino interaction lifetime of the triplet excited state lifetime of the singlet excited state molecular rotation molecular vibration electron- and energy- transfer solvation vibrational relaxation human lifespan length of a day one minut appearance of humans the age of Earth 1015 1012 109 10 -15 10 -18 10 -21 10 -24 106 103 10 -6 10 -3 10 -9 10 -12 1 tera- giga- mega- kilo- micro- milli- nano- pico- femto- atto- zepto- yocto- peta- CPU clock cycle time second
pump-probe Spectroscopy with femtosecond time resolution: experimental arrangement amplifier sample detector H2O delay excitation probe reference Nd:YAG laser Ar- ion laser CPM laser (1 fs = 0.3 m path length) Laser technics:
ultrashort pulse coherence and selectivity
pump-probe 5 Principles of the femtosecond experiment ultrashort pulse coherence and selectivity 1 fs = 0.3 m path length potential energy excitation (Ig) measurement (Im) reaction coordinate time Pulse width: 10…100 fs
Experimental results ICN → I···CN → I + CN LIF signal potential energy
pump-probe 6 Experimental results ICN → I···CN → I + CN LIF signal potential energy reaction coordinate delay time, fs
Reaction dynamics Molecular beam Moveable detector
Collimators and velocity selectors Heated oven Effusive beam Reaction chamber 10–7 torr Molecular flow (collision free) Second stage pumping Continuum flow (collisional relaxation) First stage pumping High pressure source (> 300 torr)
Angular dependence Scattering angle in a centre of mass system
Density map: HCl intensity
Angular and energy dependence
F + D2 DF(v) + D v = 1 v = 2 Constant total energy v = 3 0° 180° v = 4 Contour lines: equal velocity of DF
State selective optical detection
CX molecules B atoms from microwave discharge Microwave discharge generated A atoms Sapphire window Liquid N2 cooled reaction vessel (cryopump) Split mirror optics (White cell) to collect and focus emission onto detector To pumps
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