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Presentation on theme: "FJF/FÖRSÄKRINGSRÄTTSDAGEN: ÅTERFÖRSÄKRING"— Presentation transcript:

Göteborg, den 10:e oktober 2013 Fredrik Strömberg

2 Agenda Why reinsurance To buy and sell reinsurance
The reinsurance market 11/15/2018

Part 1 SECTION PAGE TITLE GOES HERE Why reinsurance 11/15/2018

4 Reinsurance in traditional sense = Spreading the risk
Reinsurer Insured R/I Company R/I Company Insurance company R/I Company R/I Company R/I Company 11/15/2018

5 Reinsurance today = Source of capital
There are only four sources of capital for an insurance company Reinsurance will stabilise results More stable result = Less capital need Reinsurance is substitute for own capital Equity Dept Retained earnings Reinsurance 11/15/2018

6 How do we measure the results? Downside Risk Capital – One in 200 year
Example from real world Clear the graph Gross Net after R/I Change Downside risk Average result - 299 - 341 - 42 11/15/2018

7 Risk & Reward trade-off
“Optimal strategy” 11/15/2018

8 SECTION PAGE TITLE GOES HERE To buy and sell reinsurance
Part 2 SECTION PAGE TITLE GOES HERE To buy and sell reinsurance 11/15/2018

9 Risk Loss How to buy reinsurance Main ways of reinsurance Proportional
Quota Share, Surplus Lines Non-proportional Excess of Loss, Stop Loss Risk Types of reinsurance Treaty reinsurance Kontraktsbunden/obligatorisk Facultative reinsurance Fakultativ eller frivillig Pooling Exempelvis nationella Loss 11/15/2018

10 How to buy reinsurance Reinsurance contracts Treaty Facultative

11 Entities that buy and sell reinsurance
Buyers of reinsurance Insurance companies Stock companies Mutual companies Reinsurance companies Captive companies Direct or reinsurance Lloyd’s syndicates Pools Hedge Funds Sellers of reinsurance Insurance companies Stock companies Mutual companies Reinsurance companies Captive companies Direct or reinsurance Lloyd’s syndicates Pools Hedge Funds 11/15/2018

12 Largest reinsurers 2011 by premium
Source: A.M. Best 11/15/2018

13 Three distinct marketplaces
Continental Europe London Bermuda Dominated by a few mega Munich Re Swiss Re Hannover Re Zurich is the new hot spot Infrastructure Regulation Financial stability Lloyd’s is centre of gravity Infrastructure Regulation Access to business Rating US market main driver Zero corporate tax rate Portfolio theory very important Highly model driven Primarily a cat market Financial & political stability (?) 11/15/2018

14 SECTION PAGE TITLE GOES HERE The reinsurance market
Part 3 SECTION PAGE TITLE GOES HERE The reinsurance market 11/15/2018

15 Long term trend for catastrophe losses
Source: Guy Carpenter, Swiss Re 11/15/2018

16 Guy Carpenter Global Property Cat Price Index
$35 bn $16 bn $10 bn Andrew Katrina 9/11 15 November 2018 16 16

17 Division of current market place
Property market PA & WC Marine/Aviation GTPL & Motor Property Cat Property Risk Natural perils only Highly model driven Strong portfolio theory High severity Low probability Exposure rating Main peril is fire Less model driven High frequency Less portfolio theory Experience rating Few players High uw capacity Bodily injury only Multiple perils Highly specialised London centric Very cyclical Experience rating Highly specialised CE centric Few player Longer term Wording based Highly commoditised Highly specialised 11/15/2018

18 Reinsurers can build a diversified portfolio and offer lower capital charge
CA EQ Europe Other Regions 8.5% 6% Japan Typhoon 4.1% Florida 10% Overall ROE 16.4% Other US 8% Japan EQ 2% - 8% UK November 15, 2018

19 Reinsurers cost of capital
Reinsurance pricing of natural perils Capital charge depends on risk and territorial scope High Don’t know World-wide All Perils US Nationwide All Perils Peak zones Japanese EQ Cal EQ / US Wind Reinsurers cost of capital Regional Europe Limited territory Nordic area Single country Sweden Low Breath of coverage 11/15/2018

20 Market Drivers Dedicated Reinsurance Capital
Reinsurer Capital is at a record high Reinsurance sector capital totalled USD190 billion ending third quarter 2012 Excess capital is currently 12% over long term trend Sandy impact very limited USD8 billion of new capital is estimated to have entered the market post-2011 11/15/2018 20

21 11/15/2018


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