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Cell to Organism Module 2.4 (page 77).

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1 Cell to Organism Module 2.4 (page 77)

2 Cells-tissues-organs-systems
In unicellular organisms, the single cell performs all life functions. It functions independently. Multicellular organisms have various levels of organization within them. When you first look at an animal, you see the whole animal. But it has parts that make it up.  What you don't see is that it is made up of many parts and levels of organization. Cells-tissues-organs-systems

3 4 Different levels of organisation in complex organisms
Level 1 Cells Are the basic unit of structure and function in living things. May serve a specific function within the organism Examples- blood cells, nerve cells, bone cells, etc. Level 2 Tissues Made up of cells that are similar in structure and function and which work together to perform a specific activity. Examples- muscle, bone, blood Level 3 Organs Made up of tissues that work together to perform a specific activity. An organ contains two different types of tissue working together. Examples - heart, brain, skin Level 4 Systems Groups of organs that work together to perform a specific function. Two or more organs working together Examples - circulatory system, nervous system, skeletal system 4 Different levels of organisation in complex organisms

4 Tissues in the human body

5 Tissues in the human body
Epithelial tissue Connective tissue Muscle tissue Nerve tissue Made up of cells that form surfaces over other organs Eg: epidermis (skin) Supports and holds together other tissues in the body Eg: blood, fat, bone, cartilage, ligament, tendon Tissue that can contract, becoming shorter and fatter Eg: biceps in your arm Send electrical signals around the body Eg: spinal cord, Tissues in the human body

6 Materials are transported around the plant via vascular tissue
Xylem transports water from the roots Phloem carries glucose from the leaves to other parts of the plant Tissues in plants

7 Organs All of the different tissues contribute to the job the organ is required to do. Examples: Skin (see diagram) Liver Kidneys Heart Brain

8 Organs – The Heart Tissues work together to pump blood around the body. The blood carries nutrients and oxygen to cell and carries wastes such as carbon dioxide away from cells

9 Plant Organs Leaves Stems Roots Organ in which photosynthesis occurs
Organ that holds the leaves of the plant up to the light. Carry water (xylem) Transport glucose (phloem) Roots Organ that takes water into the plant from the soil Plant Organs

10 Photosynthesis Carbon dioxide Water Glucose Oxygen
Plants use energy from the sun to combine carbon dioxide and water to form glucose (energy source) and oxygen Carbon dioxide Water Glucose Oxygen

11 Plant Summary Absorbed via the leaves Glucose transported via Phloem
Water transported via Xylem Stomata control movement Absorbed via the roots

12 Organs are organised so they can work together to
Reproductive system Excretory system Immune system Respiratory system Organ Systems Organs are organised so they can work together to complete a task. Eg: different organs work together to break down the food your eat into a form the body can use Skeletal system Muscular system Respiratory system Nervous system Digestive system

13 The digestive system

14 Summary

15 Cell to Systems

16 Review Questions Cell Wall (page 85) Q3,4,5,6,7,13,16,17
Keeps the cells shape (usually rectangular) Acts as the skeleton of the plant Lies outside the cell membrane Only in plant cells, fungi cells and monera cells Review Questions (page 85) Cell Wall Q3,4,5,6,7,13,16,17

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