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Detection of gravitational waves with interferometers

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1 Detection of gravitational waves with interferometers
Nergis Mavalvala (the LIGO Scientific Collaboration) 8.282, MIT, April 2007

2 Outline What are gravitational waves (GWs)? What sources emit them? How strong is the emission? How can we detect them? What are we searching for? The GW world in the future

3 Understanding gravity
Newton (16th century) Universal law of gravitation Worried about action at a distance Einstein (20th century) Gravity is a warpage of space-time Matter tells spacetime how to curve  spacetime tells matter how to move

4 Gravitational waves (GWs)
Prediction of Einstein’s General Relativity Ripples of the space-time fabric Like tides  for objects that are free to move, GWs change lengths by fractional amounts GWs stretch and squeeze the space transverse to direction of propagation Emitted by accelerating massive objects

5 Astrophysics with GWs vs. Light
Very different information, mostly mutually exclusive Difficult to predict GW sources based on EM observations Light GW Accelerating charge Accelerating mass Images Waveforms Absorbed, scattered, dispersed by matter Very small interaction; matter is transparent 100 MHz and up 10 kHz and down

6 Astrophysical sources of GWs
Ingredients Lots of mass (neutron stars, black holes) Rapid acceleration (orbits, explosions, collisions) Colliding compact stars Merging binaries Supernovae The big bang Earliest moments The unexpected GWs neutrinos photons now

7 Black hole mergers Contours of GWs in x polarization
Yellow contours represent tidal forces As we zoom out we see red contours of GW waves Notice that x-pol has no emission on equatorial plane. Contours of GWs in x polarization Courtesy of J. Centrella, GSFC

8 Pulsar born from a supernova
PULSAR IS BORN: A supernova is associated with the death of a star about eight times as massive as the Sun or more. When such stars deplete their nuclear fuel, they no longer have the energy (in the form of radiation pressure outward) to support their mass. Their cores implode, forming either a neutron star (pulsar) or if there is enough mass, a black hole. The surface layers of the star blast outward, forming the colorful patterns typical of supernova remnants. ACCRETION SPINS UP THE PULSAR: When a pulsar is created in a supernova explosion, it is born spinning, but slows down over millions of years. Yet if the pulsar -- a dense star with strong gravitational attraction -- is in a binary system, then it can pull in, or accrete, material from its companion star. This influx of material can eventually spin up the pulsar to the millisecond range, rotating hundreds of revolutions per second. GWs LIMIT ACCRETION INDUCED SPIN UP: As the pulsar picks up speed through accretion, it becomes distorted from a perfect sphere due to subtle changes in the crust, depicted here by an equatorial bulge. Such slight distortion is enough to produce gravitational waves. Material flowing onto the pulsar surface from its companion star tends to quicken the spin, but loss of energy released as gravitational radiation tends to slow the spin due to the principle of conservation of energy. This competition may reach an equilibrium, setting a natural speed limit for millisecond pulsars beyond which they cannot be spun up. Courtesy of NASA (D. Berry)

9 Millisecond pulsar accretion
As the pulsar picks up speed through accretion, it becomes distorted from a perfect sphere due to subtle changes in the crust, depicted here by an equatorial bulge. Such slight distortion is enough to produce gravitational waves. Material flowing onto the pulsar surface from its companion star tends to quicken the spin, but loss of energy released as gravitational radiation tends to slow the spin due to the principle of conservation of energy. This competition may reach an equilibrium, setting a natural speed limit for millisecond pulsars beyond which they cannot be spun up. Courtesy of NASA (D. Berry)

10 Gravitational waves -- the Evidence
Hulse & Taylor’s Binary Neutron Star System (discovered in 1974, Nobel prize in 1993) PSR Two neutron stars orbiting each other at c Compact, dense, fast  relativistic system Emit GWs and lose energy Used time of arrival of radio pulses to measure change in orbital period due to GW emission Change in orbital period NS rotates on its axis 17 times/sec. Reaches periastron (minimum separation of binary pair) every 7.75 hours. Systematic variation in arrival time of pulses. Variation in arrival time had a 7.75 hour period  binary orbit with another star. Pulsar clock slowed when traveling fastest and in strongest part of grav field (periastron). Figure shows decrease in orbital period of 76 usec/year. Shift in periastron due to decay of orbit. Y-axis = change in orbital period relative to 1975 measurement Define periastron as measure of orbital period Exactly as predicted by GR for GW emission Years

11 Strength of GWs: e.g. Binary Neutron Star
Gravitational wave amplitude (strain) for a binary neutron star pair M r R h ~10-21 Quadrupole formalism is accurate to order of magnitude for most sources. Involves computing wave generation and radiation reaction from Einstein eqn. 1 light year = 9.5e12 km 1 pc = 30.8e12 km 1 Mpc = 3.26e6 l.y. Weak internal gravity and stresses  nearly Newtonian source Kepler’s third law of planetary motion: period^2 = 4*pi^2*radius^3/(G*Msun) Distances  1 parsec = 3.26 l.y. = 3e18 cm r ~ 10^23 m ~ 10 Mpc (center of Virgo cluster) Distance of earth to center of galaxy ~ l.y. ~ 10 kpc Virgo cluster 15 Mpc or 50 million l.y.

12 In our galaxy (21 thousand light years away)
Strength of GWs Hulse-Taylor binary pulsar at the end of its lifetime (100 million years from now) In our galaxy (21 thousand light years away) h ~ 10-18 In the Virgo cluster of galaxies (50 million light years away) h ~ 10-21

13 Detecting GWs GW from space

14 Gravitational Wave Interferometers
Laser Photodetector GW from space Laser Photodetector Very small! 1000 times smaller than the nucleus of an atom

15 LIGO: Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory
3 k m ( 1 s ) MIT 4 km 2 km NSF Caltech LA 4 km


17 Initial LIGO Sensitivity Goal
Strain sensitivity < 3x /Hz1/2 at 200 Hz Displacement Noise Seismic motion Thermal Noise Radiation Pressure Sensing Noise Photon Shot Noise Residual Gas Facilities limits much lower

18 Initial LIGO – Sept Initial LIGO

19 An example of a GW search
Primordial Stochastic Background

20 Cosmological GW Background
385,600 10-22 sec 10+12 sec Waves now in the LIGO band were produced sec after the Big Bang WMAP 2003

21 Stochastic GW background
What’s our Universe made of? Elements in the early Universe 10-5 10-6 Dark matter 23% Initial LIGO (1 year data) Atoms 4% Speculative structures (cosmic strings) 10-8 Energy density in GWs GWs ?? 10-9 Advanced LIGO (1 year data) Sensitivity scales at sqrt(BW*T_int) for Omega, or fourth-root(BW*T_int) for strain. Dark energy 73% 10-13 Inflation

22 Gravitational-wave searches

23 Continuous Wave Sources
Single frequency (nearly) continuous GW radiation, e.g. neutron stars with Spin precession at Excited modes of oscillation, e.g. r-modes at Non-axisymmetric distortion of shape at Joint Bayesian parameter estimation of unknown pulsar parameters: GW amplitude h0, initial phase f0, polarisation angle y and inclination angle i, using data from all interferometers Produce probability distribution functions for unknown parameters and marginalise over angles to set 95% upper limit on h0 Compare with spin-down limits Assuming all energy lost as the pulsar spins-down is dissipated via GWs Get limit on ellipticity of rotating star (PSR J ) f = Hz, r = 0.25kpc

24 Enhanced LIGO Advanced LIGO LISA
Future detectors Enhanced LIGO Advanced LIGO LISA

25 Why a better detector? Astrophysics
Factor 10 better amplitude sensitivity (Range)3 = rate Factor 4 lower frequency bound Hope for NSF funding in FY08 Infrastructure of initial LIGO but replace many detector components with new designs Expect to be observing 1000x more galaxies by 2013 NS Binaries Initial LIGO: ~15 Mpc Adv LIGO: ~300 Mpc BH Binaries Initial LIGO: 10 Mo, 100 Mpc Adv LIGO : 50 Mo, z=2 Stochastic background Initial LIGO: ~3e-6 Adv LIGO ~3e-9

26 Initial LIGO – Sept Initial LIGO

27 Enhanced LIGO Enhanced LIGO (2008)

28 Advanced LIGO Advanced LIGO (2011)

29 Parameter LIGO I Adv LIGO Equivalent strain noise, minimum
3x10-23/rtHz 2x10-24/rtHz Neutron star binary inspiral range 15 Mpc 300 Mpc Stochastic background (WGW) 3x10-6 1.5-5x10-9 Interferometer configuration Power-recycled MI w/ FP arm cavities LIGO I, plus signal recycling Input laser power 6 W 125 W Test masses Fused silica, 11 kg Fused Silica, 40 kg Seismic wall frequency 40 Hz 10 Hz Optical beam size 3.6/4.4 cm 6.0 cm Test mass Q Few million 200 million Suspension fiber Q Few thousand ~30 million

30 Laser Interferometer Space Antenna
LISA Laser Interferometer Space Antenna

31 Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA)
Three space craft Triangular formation Separated by 5 million km Formation trails earth by 20º Approx. constant length arms Constant solar illumination 1 AU = 1.5x108 km

32 LISA and LIGO

33 Science from gravitational wave detectors?
Tests of general relativity Waves  direct evidence for time-dependent metric Black hole signatures  test of strong field gravity Polarization of the waves  spin of graviton Propagation velocity  mass of graviton Astrophysics Predicted sources: compact binaries, SN, spinning NS Inner dynamics of processes hidden from EM astronomy Dynamics of neutron stars  large scale nuclear matter The earliest moments of the Big Bang  Planck epoch Precision measurements below the quantum noise limit

34 Global network of detectors
GEO VIRGO LIGO TAMA AIGO LIGO Detection confidence Source polarization Sky location LISA

35 Ultimate success… New Instruments, New Field, the Unexpected…

36 The End

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