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USDA Forest Service International Programs Climate Change Seminar

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Presentation on theme: "USDA Forest Service International Programs Climate Change Seminar"— Presentation transcript:

1 USDA Forest Service International Programs Climate Change Seminar
Participant Intro Template Your presentation should be between 3 to 5 minutes. Please do not modify this template. You may add images to the slides. Please submit your presentation to Steve Joyce On or before Monday, May 7th

2 Your work in the Climate Change space
Name, Organization, Country Current focus of your work (in a few bullets)

3 Illustrative Success Describe one organizational achievement or better practice in adaptation or mitigation that may be of interest to your seminar colleagues.

4 Challenge In one sentence or a few bullets, briefly describe one of the major challenges associated with climate change in your country.

5 What is one question or topic that you most want to address with subject matter experts or peers during this seminar. most want this seminar to address My question:

6 OR Something personal Pick One
Share the title of a book or article that you are reading or have read recently and why it interests you. OR Share a hobby or personal interest that you find stimulating or rewarding.

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