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What really happens in coaching employees

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1 What really happens in coaching employees
This presentation highlights the value of coaching beyond executive level coaching that we all know exists. This is for the hi-potentials, mid-level managers and even problem employees that need the benefits of coaching: personalized advice, dedicated time to thrive and make progress, experiment, iterate and improve in a safe place.

2 3 different types of coaching and why this matters
What you’ll hear today 3 different types of coaching and why this matters 3 real-life stories that engage, retain and inspire 3 signs to look for so you’ll know when to call a coach

3 3 different types And why this matters

4 3 different types of coaching
Flashlight Shines a light on different paths one can go. Gap Filler Coaching that fills a gap between a managers skill assessment and what an employee thinks. Also internal gaps for individuals that say one thing and do another. Mirror Raises self awareness by offering a dose of reality and self-reflection of values that are most important to them. Authentic Curiosity

5 3 real-life stories Engage – retain - inspire

6 3 real-life stories ENGAGE Chris RETAIN Iddah INSPIRE Amanda
ENGAGE Chris RETAIN Iddah INSPIRE Amanda Was disengaged in role as Sr. Financial Systems Advisor. Coach empowered him to pass CPA exam after previous failures. Now works as a CPA in a job he loves. Was told she had 6 months left in her role and needed to find another job. Coached to see objective reality of situation and own her career. Stayed with company in new role and new department. Needed help setting goals and fighting depression. Coach inspired her to lose weight, in doing so discovered cancer sooner. Winning the battle and is now an inspiration to others.

7 3 signs to look for So you’ll know when to call a coach

8 Employee Relations Issues Declining Performance
3 signs to look for Change in Behavior Life event Seasonal Situational Promotions Layoffs New team member Employee Relations Issues Unresolved conflict Unsuccessful project Unfinished tasks Posturing Dating relationships Declining Performance Career stalls Personal issues Frustration with boss or team Looking for another position in company

9 When these happen, give me a call
Jeff Krone Learning Solutions Manager Performance Consultant / Coach

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