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Replay Officials and Replay Communicators Breakout Session

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1 Replay Officials and Replay Communicators Breakout Session
2017 OVC Officials Clinic Replay Officials and Replay Communicators Breakout Session

2 Production Meeting / 105 Minute Meeting
Producers: # of camera’s and positions Exchange cell phone numbers Discuss GL camera position (1 yd in the EZ) Discuss quick shots on plays that are possible reviews Discuss w/red hat & TV re: TO policy and proceedures Can you super-impose clock on the screen (pregame test) Don’t pick up the phone unless you really need to Catch/No Catch – show full speed first time (standing/falling) How will you handle a commercial during replay Talk to the Red Hat and Side Line Assistant Talk to Foul Reporter re: verify Walkie Talkie

3 Booth Pregame RO: this is your booth and your are the referee of that booth RO Always have a short 15 minute pregame with RC & RT to discuss important issue Issues to review: Down & distance and LTG Counting Players (confirm who counts who) Communication – if you see something, let everyone know Hurry Up Offenses: let RO know if team breaks huddle or is at LOS Who is logging time on review (announcement to announcement) Get feel for equipment, camera angles & shuttle remote RT- Process if equipment goes down / backups

4 During Review RO be specific on what you are looking at. Communicate to RC and RT. RC and RT help RO by getting his money shots that appear (may have to speak to production truck during the process) Decision: Confirm / Stands / Overturn Know: down, distance, position on field, timing issues, clock status (game and play), ready or snap RO keep mic open during replay for referee to listen in Remember to look at all facets of the play

5 Good Booth Prodocal Open communication and discussion
Make sure you mark every play (confirm who does this in booth pregame) Play by play of what is happening between RO and RC No cheap catches, no cheap fumbles COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE

6 Post Game Complete all forms and confirm all replays have needed information Download game by RT to iPads provided RC call the production truck and thank them for their help. Clean up booth. Do not leave a mess in the replay booth. RO/RC/RT should do a quick self-evaluation. What could you have done better & what was done well. RC to call Tony after the game

7 Important Axioms Indisputable Video Evidence – the ruling on the field is always 100% correct. Indisputable Evidence proves it to be 100% incorrect. IF YOU DON’T KNOW, YOU KNOW! (STANDS)

8 Miscellaneous Items RO & RC to wear a coat and tie
Always be polite and thank people for everything. If we need something, ask our technician or school liason politely. Do not demand. Watch what you say Technician is hired by school We don’t know how private the private box truly is RC to call me after the game


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