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A Applying the New Curriculum in Classroom

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1 A Applying the New Curriculum in Classroom
School Education Quality Improvement Pprogramme (SEQI 2) برنامج تحسين جودة التعليم في المدارس A Applying the New Curriculum in Classroom Integrated Training Program for English Language Master Trainers for MTs Kuwait City December, 2017

2 ELT Supervisor : Mariam Qumber
DAY 1. Active learning Active learning ELT Supervisor : Mariam Qumber

3 Get to know me.. Get to know you better  10 min.
What is your favorite place in the world ? Why ?

4 Stages of active learning 5 min
How many stages are there ? ( write the number – tell us what you know) How many of the stages should you use every day? How many stages should you use in each series of activities? Stages of active learning 5 min Added these two questions so you can begin reinforcing these two main points

5 The stages of active learning
Stage 1 : Motivation / creating a learning situation Stage 2: gathering information Stage 3: Sharing the information Stage 4: Discussion and organizing the information Stage 5: Generalization and Conclusion Stage 6: Creative application Stage 7: Assessment and Reflection The stages of active learning

6 Lets make a reference for the rest of the week 10 min
what are the stages of active learning ? Be creative in your drawings Lets make a reference for the rest of the week 10 min

7 Application ( narrative presentation ) 20 min

8 Assessment and reflection
groups Originality of the idea- completing the dream 2 fluency & accuracy 3 Sequence of ideas Timing 1 singing (bonus) Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Assessment and reflection

9 Plan an active learning activity that you can apply in your classroom
Task 1 20 minutes Plan an active learning activity that you can apply in your classroom

10 Task 2: 20 minutes Choose a SC ( 6th or 7th grade) then choose an activity from the textbook. Plan how are you going to tackle it according to the active learning stages

11 Active Learning methods classification
Active learning methods can be classified as: Methods that facilitate concepts and ideas understanding . They build on students’ previous experience, develop communication and decision-making skills, and focus on developing an active attitude: discussion, debate, role-play, etc. Methods that stimulate thinking and creativity. They urge students to search and develop solutions for various problems, to engage in critical thinking and to make judgments, to compare and analyze given situations: case studies, problem solving, practice, etc. Methods that teach students to work productively with their peers. These methods develop collaboration and mutual help skills: jigsaw puzzle, the coffee shop, small group projects, etc. Which method do you prefer ? Why ? Active Learning methods classification I would think about skipping this. Focus on simplicity

12 Active/ interactive methods
Brainstorming Energizers discussion role play Presentation Inquıry methods Organizational methods Methods for dividing into groups Methods for development of logical thinking Methods for development of critical hinking Methods for development of creative thinking Active/ interactive methods I would possibly skip this too in favor of a demo lesson

13 Brainstorming KWL(What We Already Know/ /What We Want to Know/ What We Have Learned) Mind Mapping Bubble Mapping Auction Cluster Questioning Strategies Discovery of the concept Aassociations Carousel Brainstorming “Cross-carousel brainstorming” “Dream Tree”

14 Choose an active learning method , Google it  , share your findings with the others about it`s techniques Just to remind you .. Brainstorming Energizers discussion role play Presentation Inquıry methods Organizational methods Methods for dividing into groups Methods for development of logical thinking Methods for development of critical hinking Methods for development of creative thinking Last & fast Task 10 min. Make sure to reinforce real motivation + real communication

15 last notion

16 Thank you for your participation
Please answer this assessment Thank you for your participation Last Task for the day

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