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Integrating Gender into agricultural water Management – a case study of micro irrigation scheme in Same.

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Presentation on theme: "Integrating Gender into agricultural water Management – a case study of micro irrigation scheme in Same."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrating Gender into agricultural water Management – a case study of micro irrigation scheme in Same

2 What we know and have observed
Women's livelihoods rely on natural resources highly dependent on water for agriculture and domestic use. Strong influence of cultural norms on unequal distribution and use of rights, resources and power determines individuals’ livelihoods. Access and use of water resources is gendered November 15, 2018

3 Differential vulnerability due to unequal gender relationsdimensions
Water scarcity affects many people but differently. depend on roles, responsibilities, voice, access, control ...  result of different social relations, cultural norms Different groups within a community have different but complementary knowledge, capacities, experience Access and control to information, resources…

4 Different groups use water for different purposes
November 15, 2018

5 November 15, 2018


7 CARE’s Women Empowerment Framework
Agency: Her own aspirations and capabilities Structure: The environment that condition her choices Relations: Power relations through which she negotiates her path (norms November 15, 2018

8 Women Empowerment Framework
ENHANCED CAPACITIES Knowledge and capacity to equitably access, control and claim rights over services and resources (water) for resilient livelihoods EQUITABLE RELATIONSHIPS Transformed social norms and structures that engage men in promoting gender equality at household and community level STRUCTURE Legal framework, public institutions, the private sector and civil society institutions are capable, responsive and accountable to citizens November 15, 2018

Support communities in managing water (as part of the natural resources) Build the capacity of local civil society and government institutions to support communities’ managing water. Influence the policy and enabling environment to address the underlying causes of poor management of water such as poor governance, and gender inequalities in resource use and access to basic services. November 15, 2018

10 Where the Rain Falls – Small Climate Adaptation Project
Where the Rainfalls – A small community based adaptation project in Same District, focusing on water smart agriculture ( ) Goal: To improve the resilience and food security of marginalized and climate vulnerable women and girls at Same Outcomes: Communities and local institutions analysing the vulnerabilities and capacity of vulnerable women and girls Local communities and institutions making equitable decisions on water resources and development informed by climate knowledge and information Communities, local institutions and and government supporting the implementation of climate resilient water management technologies with marginalized and climate vulnerable women and girls

11 Key Achievements – WtRF at Same
Conducted the Climate vulnerability capacity Assessment (CVCA) as baseline for climate adaptation – gender disaggregated Trained 60 (42 female, 18 male) champion farmers, trained to practice adaptation interventions (non-regret solutions to adaptation) for cascading knowledge to other farmers Adoption of soil and water conservation practices including elements of conservation agriculture – mainly through diffusion by Champion farmers – 263 farmers including 144 women reached directly. Strengthening local water governance committee – through Water User Association and Village Irrigation Associations – Affirmative action that at least 35% must be women Champion farmers working together to form labour-saving groups for practicing soil and water conservation practices (Use VSLAs models)

12 Construction of micro irrigation scheme (4 ndiva)
November 15, 2018

13 How to address unequal gender relations
Abdalah’s video November 15, 2018

14 November 15, 2018

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