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R4 Treasurer Report Bernard Sander, Jr – Region 4 Treasurer

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Presentation on theme: "R4 Treasurer Report Bernard Sander, Jr – Region 4 Treasurer"— Presentation transcript:

1 R4 Treasurer Report Bernard Sander, Jr – Region 4 Treasurer
January 21, 2012

2 2011: Budget vs. Actual Income Actual 2011 Budget 2011 % of Budget
Total Income $169600 $189900 88% Expenses Actual 2011 Budget 2011 % of Budget Activities $53500 $70000 77% Administration $92400 $122400 76% Total Expenses $145900 $192400 Net $23700 11/15/2018

3 Income: Budget vs. Actual
% of Budget CBRS $450 $115 391% Conferences $10000 $5000 200% Investment Transfer* $0 $27700 0% Rebates and Assessments $119200 $110200 108% SC Reserve $40000 $49500 81% Total Income $169600 $192300 88% *$15000 for Membership Rejuvenation *$10000 for Sections Congress Second Delegates *$2700 for Student Activities 11/15/2018

4 Rebates and Assessments
Rebate & Assessments Actual 2011 Budget 2011 % of Total IEEE HQ Rebate $59000 $58000 102% R4 Assessment $41200 $36200 114% IEEE-USA Rebate $19000 $16000 119% Rebate Total $119200 $110200 108% 11/15/2018

5 Activity Expenses Activity Actual 2011 Budget 2011 % of Budget
Conferences $7800 $12000 65% Educational $0 $200 0% Profession Proj $8600 $9000 96% Profession Trvl $18500 154% Student $10200 $13100 78% Awards $900 Technical $1000 Communication $800 Membership $2900 $6000 48% Rejuvenation $5500 $15000 37% Total $53500 $70000 77% 11/15/2018

6 Administration Expenses
Actual 2011 Budget 2011 % of Budget Ex Com, R4 $600 $0 SC2011 $85100 $109200 78% Director $2300 $6000 39% Dir-Elect $2600 43% Past Director $20 $100 16% Secretary $170 $150 110% Treasurer $480 $200 240% Area Chairs 0% Advisor Admin Total $92400 $122400 76% 11/15/2018

7 Sections Congress 2011 Budgeted Delegates Budgeted $
Actual Attendees Supported Actual $ Disbursed % Impact 18 Delegates + 3 SubSections + 4 GOLD + 3 Speakers = 28 $72072 15 Delegates (excludes Riess, Parro, Jensen) + 2 GOLD + 0 Speakers =20 $52161 -18% 23 Primary Delegates $25093 18 Primary Delegates $19343 -5% 11 Second Delegates $10000 8 Second Delegates $7000 -3% Facility and Food $2000 $6951 +5% Total $109165 $85095 -22% -Region supported 16 fewer delegates than budgeted -Average Delegate Attending Met Budget Targets – Thanks for your help! -Good New/Bad News – Met Budget But only 18 of 23 voting delegates. 11/15/2018

8 Account Balances Account Balance CBRS $46500 Investment Account*
$177200 Account Totals% $223700 * Dec. 31, 2011 Balance % Dec. 31, 2010 Totals - $ –Included $40000 SC Reserve Our Reserves Grew in 2011 by $18700 over plan! 11/15/2018

9 NetSuite L50 for 2011 only available as Tab in NetSuite
L50 required for each account – Checking and Investment Your account balances in NetSuite will be updated to the end of 2011 when you submit your L50s Do all account tracking in NetSuite for 2012 – No L50 will be required at the end of the year 2012! Three NetSuite Sessions held in Jan. – 38 attendees - Recordings available 11/15/2018

10 Region 4 Treasurer Treasurer Role
Manage Budget to Meet Region Objectives Support NetSuite Introduction Need your help with budget requests and timely, complete Expense Vouchers Need your help with timely completion of L50 – Feb. 17 for 10% Bonus 11/15/2018

11 Closing Remarks Are we(everybody in this room) taking full advantage of activity resources? Ex. Educational, Student, PACE, Technical, Membership, Rejuvenation Are we doing a good job of managing our reserves? Increased even though Investment Fund fell. Meeting Attendance? 11/15/2018

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