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Flavour Tagging performance in LHCb Marc Grabalosa Gándara (14/12/08)

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1 Flavour Tagging performance in LHCb Marc Grabalosa Gándara (14/12/08)
DISCRETE '08 Symposium on Prospects in the Physics of Discrete Symmetries  11–16 December 2008, IFIC, Valencia, Spain Flavour Tagging performance in LHCb Marc Grabalosa Gándara (14/12/08) on behalf of the LHCb collaboration

2 Motivation Unitarity Triangles
Bd0  p+ p- Bd0  r p Bd0  DK*0 BS0  DSK Bd0  D* p, 3p BS0  DS p Bd0  J/y KS0 BS0  J/y f LHCb is a 2nd generation precision experiment coming after B-Factories and Tevatron Improve precision on g and other CKM parameters Many measurments require the knowledge of the initial flavour of the B meson

3 Importance of tagging 3 Bs oscillation frequency, phase and ΔΓs ( BsDs, J/ΨΦ, J/Ψη, ηcΦ ) Measure the CKM parameters  from Bd0–+  with BdJ/KS as a proof of principle (  from bs penguin )  in various channels, with different sensitivity to new physics: Time-dependent CP asymmetry of BsDs-K+ and Ds+K- Time dependent CP asymmetries of Bd π+ π- and Bs  K+K- Comparison of decay rates in the BdD0(K+π-,K-π+,K+K-)K*0 system Comparison of decay rates in the B-D0(K+π-,K+π-π+π-)K- system Dalitz analysis of B-  D0(KSπ-π+)K- and Bd  D0(KSπ-π+)K*0 Rare B decays Radiative penguin Bd  K* , Bs  Φ, Bd   Electroweak penguin Bd  K*0 +- Gluonic penguin Bs  ΦΦ, Bd  ΦKs Rare box diagram Bs +- Bc , b-baryon physics + unexpected ! TAGGING REQUIRED

4 LHCb Overview Requirements for CP measurements in B the sector are
Good particle Id, excellent tracking and vertexing B flight path of the order 5-10mm Tracking: δp/p= 0.35% to 0.55% Vertexing: ~10μm transverse plane and ~60μm in z Expected Impact parameter resolution σIP =14μm + 35μm/pT Calorimeter resolution: σE/E = 1% + 10%√E (E in GeV)‏ RICH: Particle identification, important to distinguish between Kaon and pions.

5 Flavour Tagging 5 Taggers: muons electrons kaons vertex charge kaons or pions (when Bd,u)‏ Same Side Opposite Side Signal B Opposite B p K+ ()‏ l - K- Qvrtx OS SS If several candidates for the same tagger exist  Select the one with highest Pt. Tagging efficiency Wrong tag fraction Effective efficiency Taggers make individual decisions about the flavour with varying accuracy, which is evaluated by a NNet.

6 Opposite-side tagger (OS)
6 Tagging objects from b → c → s chain. Kinematic and geometrical variables (IPS, P, Pt,...) show a dependence in purity of right vs wrong tags  CUTS pT of m’s: IP of K’s:

7 OS Vertex Charge tagger
7 Use long tracks to build a 2-seed vertex after some kinematic cuts Use a NN to select good candidate (2-seed) to SV Other tracks are added iteratively Weighted charge can be used as a tagger All vtx Good vtx seed SV All trakcs Tracks coming from b Typical performance: e = 43% w = 42% eeff = 1.14%

8 Same-side tagger (SS) Particle selection cuts Proximity to signal b
8 Particle selection cuts Proximity to signal b Hadron from fragmentation (K ) or B** decay ()  from B*  from fragmentation Other sources Wrong tagging K from fragmentation Other sources Wrong tagging Typical performance: e = 25.5% w = 35.6% eeff = 2.13% Bs → Ds K B0 → + -

9 Taggers 9 The tag (b or bbar) is decided by the charge of the tagging object Combine the taggers to obtain a final decision of the tag Sort in 5 categories depending on the probability of the tag to be correct Each method will give a tag and a category (related with the reliability) Combine Particle IDentification (PID) Sort events based on the PID of the track ordering them in  NN independent. Simple method Has a lower efficency Neural Net Obtain a wrong tag fraction () for each event from the NN output Has a higher efficency

10 Neural Net method 10 For each event, each tagger will give an  as a function of the NN output. The wrong tag fraction is fit linearly on the Neural Net output. Bs  J/  right wrong Opposite kaon tagger(K) (NNet) = a0 + a1 NNet

11 Combination of taggers
11 Each tagger will have its own  tagger (NNet). The final probability for the event will be a combination of the tagger wrong tag fractions: P+1 = (1-k)  e … P-1 =  k (1-  e) … If P(B) < 0.55 events is left untagged Cat 1 Cat 2 Cat 3 Cat 4 Cat 5 To calculate the final combined effective efficiency, we bin the events in 5 categories (and treat them separately in the CP fits). P(B)

12 PID based combination of taggers
12 Form possible combinations according: Sort all possible combinations, including the case when abs(sum)>1, according to the  estimated on a control channel (62 possible combinations, but only 41 non empty)‏ Bin events in 5 categories Particle Identification (PID) Muons, electrons , kaons, kaons or pions SS , vertex charge Sum of the individual tagger decisions (sum of charges)‏ abs(sum) > 1 Untagged = 43.0% Smaller  = 32.3% Cat 5 Cat 4 Cat 3 Cat 2 Cat 1 PID combination

13 Results, ex. Bs  J/  Performance of taggers:
13 Performance of taggers: Combine all taggers to obtain the global effective efficency, which is the direct sum of εeff in the 5 tagging categories. NNet εeff increases by ~20%

14 Performances for a few channels
eeff % e % w % Bs→ Dsp 8.85 ± 0.18 60.7 30.9 Bd→ J/ψ K* 4.29 ± 0.09 53.2 35.8 Bd→ pp 5.52 ± 0.16 56.8 34.4 Bu→ J/ψ K+ 4.11 ± 0.11 53.1 36.1 Differences can be due to different signal B spectra, trigger…

15 Control channels 15 Accumulate high statistics in various flavour-specific modes  can be extracted by: B±: just comparing tagging with observed flavour Bd and Bs need fit of oscillation Taggers can be calibrated using these control channels. Channel Yield/2 fb-1 B/S dw / w ( 2fb-1 ) estimate B+J/()K+ 1.7 M 0.4 0.15% B+D0p+ 0.7 M 0.8 0.25% B0J/()K*0(K+-) 0.2 0.2% Bs Ds+ p- 0.08 M 0.3 0.7% Bd0 D* - m+ n 9 M 0.05% B+ D0 (*) m + n 3.5 M 0.6 0.1% Bs Ds(*) m + n 2 M 0.1 0. 5% Topology close to that of signal channels Semileptonics: High statistics More difficult topology

16 Use of control channels
16 B+ J/ K+ is a flavour specific channel No true MC information needed The  obtained in a given tagger for B+ J/ K+ can be used the same taggers in other channels Control channels will allow to measure  directly from data, with the statistical accuracy required for physics measurements B+  J/ K+ Bd  J/ Ks right wrong right wrong Opposite kaon tagger(K) (NNet)=a0 + a1 NNet

17 Mistag extraction for B0 → J/ Ks
One of the first measurements requiring flavour tagging of the B will be sin 2 from B0JKS as a benchmark to demonstrate LHCb capability in CP-asymmetry measurements For the evaluation of the mistag rate, the following strategy, using B+JK+ and B0JK*0 as control channels, is foreseen: With B+JK+ events determine for each tagger the dependence of the mistag rate on the kinematical properties of the tagger. Combine these probabilities into a single probability per event. Use this function to subdivide B0JK*0 and B0JKS events into samples of decreasing mistag-rate (tag categories). Fit to flavour oscillations of B0JK*0 events, as a function of propertime, in each of the 5 samples, to measure the mistag rate per category. Use these 5 mistag rates in the CP fit of B0JKS events, also subdivided into 5 categories.

18 Fit to flavour oscillations of B0  J/ K*0 in 5 categories
Only signal events considered here Cat 3 Cat 2 Cat 1

19 Control channel check from MC truth from propertime fit Results from propertime fit are compatible to MC truth. In one year, 2/fb, with 215k events, s(sin2b)~0.02

20 Background on control channels
20 Control channels will be used with data events, where full account of background has to be taken. We have devised the strategies to cope with it. For Bd+ J/ K*

21 Conclusions 21 Flavour tagging is a fundamental ingredient for B physics measurements in LHCb. Control channels will allow to measure  directly from data, with the required statistical accuracy, taking into account many possible effects (backgrounds, trigger, etc.) Expected effective tagging efficiency at LHCb is ~ 6 – 9 % for Bs and ~ 4 – 5 % for Bd,u channels

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