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Essential Questions Why is accurate weather data important?

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1 Essential Questions Why is accurate weather data important?
What are some of the instruments used to collect weather data from Earth’s surface? What are the strengths and weaknesses of weather radar and weather satellites? Gathering Weather Data Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education

2 Vocabulary Review New temperature thermometer barometer anemometer
hygrometer radiosonde Doppler effect Gathering Weather Data Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education

3 Data from Earth’s Surface
Two important factors in weather forecasting are the accuracy of the data and the amount of available data. Meteorologist utilize a variety of tools to aid in being as precise as possible when predicting weather events. Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education Gathering Weather Data

4 Data from Earth’s Surface
Temperature and air pressure A thermometer measures temperature using either the Fahrenheit or Celsius scale. A barometer measures air pressure. Gathering Weather Data Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education

5 Data from Earth’s Surface
Wind speed and relative humidity An anemometer measures wind speed. A hygrometer measures relative humidity. Gathering Weather Data Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education

6 Data from Earth’s Surface
Automated Surface Observing System The Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS) gathers data in a consistent manner, 24 hours a day, every day. It provides essential weather data for aviation, weather forecasting, and weather-related research. Gathering Weather Data Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education

7 Data from the Upper Atmosphere
The instrument used for gathering upper-atmosphere data is a radiosonde. A radiosonde’s sensors measure the air’s temperature, pressure, and humidity. Gathering Weather Data Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education

8 Weather Observation Systems
Weather radar A weather radar system detects specific locations of precipitation. The Doppler effect is the change in pitch or frequency that occurs due to the relative motion of a wave, such as sound or light, as it comes toward or goes away from an observer. Analysis of Doppler radar data can be used to determine the speed at which precipitation moves toward or away from a radar station. Gathering Weather Data Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education

9 Weather Observation Systems
Weather satellites Some weather satellites use infrared imagery to make observations at night. Objects radiate thermal energy at slightly different frequencies. Infrared imagery detects these different frequencies, which enables meteorologists to map either cloud cover or surface temperatures. Gathering Weather Data Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education

10 Weather Observation Systems
Weather satellites Another type of satellite imagery that is useful in weather analysis and forecasting is called water-vapor imagery. Water-vapor imagery is a valuable tool for weather analysis and prediction because it shows moisture in the atmosphere, not just cloud patterns. Gathering Weather Data Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education

11 Review Essential Questions Vocabulary
Why is accurate weather data important? What are some of the instruments used to collect weather data from Earth’s surface? What are the strengths and weaknesses of weather radar and weather satellites? Vocabulary thermometer barometer anemometer hygrometer radiosonde Doppler effect Gathering Weather Data Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education

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