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2 1. inanimate Some children believe that inanimate toys can think and have personalities. Personification is giving inanimate objects human characteristics.

3 1. inanimate (adj.) not having life; without energy or spirit

4 2. incinerate Some people do not want to be buried, they would rather be incinerated. After recycling the usable parts, the company incinerated the rest of the trash.

5 2. incinerate (v.) to burn to ashes

6 3. intrepid The hero was intrepid in the face of danger.
The reporters, knowing the risks, were intrepid when they entered the war zone.

7 3. intrepid (adj.) very brave, fearless, unshakable

8 4. larceny The man was arrested after found pilfering, and was charged with the crime of larceny. The criminal committed grand larceny when he robbed the auto shop.

9 4. larceny (n.) theft

10 5. pliant The pieces of wood were so pliant that I could easily bend them without breaking them. I am not pliant to the persuasion of advertisements.

11 5. pliant (adj.) bending readily, easily influenced

12 6. pompous I don’t want to seem pompous, so I don’t tell most people that I am related to the President. Some leaders might seem pompous at first, but when you get to know them they might actually be humble.

13 6. pompous (adj.) overly self-important in speech or manner; excessively stately or ceremonious

14 7. precipice My parent’s marriage is headed toward the edge of a precipice. You have a view of the whole city while standing on the steep precipice.

15 7. precipice (n.) a very steep cliff; the brink or edge of disaster

16 8. rectify The teacher tried to rectify her error as soon as possible.
The boy tried to rectify his actions by paying back the money he took from his mom.

17 8. rectify (v.) to make right, correct

18 9. reprieve My sister gave me a reprieve from stirring the fudge.
The judge gave the man a reprieve in order to review his sentence.

19 9. reprieve (n.) a temporary relief or delay

20 10. revile The students reviled the other team during and after the game. Her parents reviled her when she talked back to them.

21 10. revile (v.) to attack with words, call bad names

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