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Internet Safety GPHS.

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1 Internet Safety GPHS

2 Credits National Center for Missing & Exploited Children Galena Park ISD Internet Safety Moodle Page

3 Your Online Life

4 Risky Behaviors Although there are many benefits to sharing information online, some behaviors can put you at risk. Sending rude or offensive messages. Sharing inappropriate photos online or in text messages. Talking about adult subjects with people you don’t know. Visiting adult sites.

5 The Internet should be considered public because:
“Private” information can become public if passed on. Posts in many online communities are public by default.  Most information posted online: Can be searched. Can be seen by HUGE, invisible audiences. Can be copied, altered, and sent to others. Is persistent – it’s almost impossible to take down, as it can start to spread the minute it is posted. Information that people post can get out of their control fast, so it is important to consider the consequences beforehand.

6 Video: Digital Identity
Digital Identity Video

7 Video: Eva’s Story – Digital Footprint
Digital Footprint-Eva's Story Video

8 Three Main Threats There are three main threats to your online safety.
Revealing too much and/or inappropriate personal information online. Cyberbullying Online Predators

9 Too Much Information Revealing too much information about yourself can be very dangerous. Personal and private information shared through texts, images or videos may attract unwanted attention from cyberbullies or online predators. This may also lead to serious offline consequences at school and with the law.

10 Too Much Information Think about the information that you post online. Be careful sharing personal information like: Home and school addresses. Addresses of places where you like to hang out. Financial information, like credit card numbers. Passwords Home and cellphone numbers. Schedules. Social security numbers.

11 Too Much Information It’s not that you should never share information. There are many great, legitimate sites that require it. But once you put information online, it’s easy to lose control of who sees it and what they do with it. Revealing personal information online can make you a target for identity theft, scams, computer hacks and other trouble.

12 Guard your personal information online:
Have a different password for online accounts - If they all use the same password, they will be easier to hack into. Use privacy settings to limit who has access to your information - These can change often, so don’t forget to check back and make sure that your information is still limited to the people that you want to see it. Remember who you friend - Your friends have access to whatever you post, make sure they are people you trust.

13 Guard your personal information online:
Limit access to your location - A lot of services and devices have GPS capabilities which let you share where you are. For example, geolocation tags may be automatically embedded in the pictures you take with smartphones and tablets. Make sure to disable these functions and only give people you trust information about your whereabouts.

14 Guard your personal information online:
Look for a lock symbol or “https” in the address bar of websites that ask for financial information. Don’t share others’ personal information, for example, sharing a friend’s cell phone number online. Don’t share passwords, even with close friends, a boyfriend or a girlfriend.

15 Videos: Too much information
Six Degrees of Information video Social Networking video Information Travels video Offline Consequences 

16 Inappropriate Information
Sexting is one way that some teens share inappropriate information. Sexting is the sharing of nude or suggestive pictures and videos through text messages. Teens who get involved with sexting are usually: Joking around with friends. In a relationship, where a girlfriend or boyfriend asks for a photo. Flirting or trying to impress a crush.

17 Video: Sexting As you watch this video, think about how the girl feels when she gets a request to sext from her boyfriend. Then, think about how she feels after it has been sent Your Photo Fate video

18 The girl in the video thinks that only her boyfriend will see the image. But she soon learns that once you share an image, it is out of your control. One study estimated that 88% of the self-made sexual or suggestive images that teens post online are re-posted to adult websites.

19 If you take a revealing image of yourself:
It could be lost if you misplace or lose your cell phone. It may be passed around without your permission. For example, an ex-boyfriend or girlfriend may share the sext to get revenge. People may bully or judge you because of the image. The person that receives the image might try to use it to blackmail you into sending more images. You may get in trouble with your school or with law enforcement.

20 Once a picture or video gets out of your hands, it is out of your control. You can choose to keep that from happening. Don’t take images of yourself that you wouldn’t want everyone to see. Don’t forward anyone else’s picture or video. Imagine how betrayed you’d feel if this happened to you. Don’t ask or pressure anyone to share an image. Many teens send sexts because they’ve been asked to by a boyfriend, or girlfriend. But you shouldn’t ask anyone to take this kind of risk, especially if it’s someone you care about. Talk to a trusted adult if you receive a revealing image, or are being pressured into sending one or have sent one.

21 Cyberbullying Cyberbullying is the use of technology to harass someone. Some examples are: Creating a hate group about someone. Posting mean comments online. Photoshopping someone’s photo to embarrass them. Recording and posting fight videos. Spreading rumors and gossip through text messages. Stealing someone’s identity to create a fake profile.

22 Cyberbullying Some of these things may seem more like jokes or pranks than bullying to you. But even if you did not intend to hurt someone’s feelings, it can still be cyberbullying. Stacey's Story video Can't Take it Back video

23 Cyberbullying As Stacey says, most of the comments were made anonymously and from “miles away.” Students should recognize that it may be easier for offenders to be cruel when they are not face to face with their target. Students should also understand that it is easy for online cruelty to spread quickly, both because of the technology and because of the herd mentality.

24 Cyberbullying If you are being cyberbullied, it may feel like there’s nothing you can do, but that isn’t true. Here are some steps you can take: Don’t respond - That could make things worse. Block the bully - Check out what options the websites and your cellphone provider have for blocking other users. Save the evidence - You can take and save screenshots. Set up new accounts - Make sure that only people you trust can contact you. Make a report - Many websites have terms of service which prohibit cyberbullying and will remove offensive posts. Talk to an adult you trust.

25 Online Predators An online predator is any adult who tries to get a minor to meet offline. Online predators: Can be male or female, but are usually male. Are usually honest about being adults, but may try to deceive their target regarding their actual age. Target females and males. Are often clear about what they want - to have a sexual relationship with you. Are attracted by certain online behaviors, such as talking to unknown people about sex and posting revealing pictures.

26 Online Predators-”Grooming”
Online predators often attempt to gain their target’s trust with a method called “grooming.” A predator who is trying to “groom” you might: Flatter you. Send you gifts, like cellphones or bus tickets. Discuss adult subjects, like sex. Ask you to keep secrets, such as not telling anyone about the relationship. Turn you against your family and friends - Predators want you to depend on them.

27 Online Predators – “Grooming”
Additionally, a predator who is trying to “groom” you might: Share or ask for revealing images Blackmail you - If you’ve shared revealing images or secrets with predators, they may threaten to make them public unless you send more. You should never give in. Instead, tell an adult you trust immediately so they can help report it to law enforcement.

28 Online Predators - Videos
Survivor Diaries video Julie's Journey video

29 Online Predators If someone online sends you an inappropriate request or you think that it’s an online predator, here are some steps you can take: Don’t engage them - Refuse to talk about sex, and don’t accept or share sexual images. Block them or unfriend them. Don’t meet them offline. Tell an adult you trust. Save any evidence like s or images to report to law enforcement.

30 In Summary: Some people think that what they do online is separate from their “real” lives. But as we’ve seen today, what we do online matters offline too. Make the choice to create a safe and positive on- and offline environment at school and with your friends by: •Being careful about what you share. •Not cyberbullying or encouraging it. •Not asking or pressuring anyone into sharing inappropriate content. •Reporting inappropriate online behavior. Most importantly, don’t forget to communicate with the adults you trust about what you do online.

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