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APEX and SmartDB Step-by-Step

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Presentation on theme: "APEX and SmartDB Step-by-Step"— Presentation transcript:

1 APEX and SmartDB Step-by-Step

2 Anton Nielsen Vice President – Insum Formerly
President, C2 Consulting Technical Directory, Oracle Consultant, Coopers and Lybrand (now PWC) Captain/Scientist, US Air Force

3 Agenda What is the Thick Data Paradigm? Goals Related to APEX in this Paradigm A Recipe for Implementing the Thick Data Paradigm with APEX Drawbacks Discussion

4 Overview PL/SQL Application to APEX
Bryn Llewellyn discussed merits of PL/SQL and the “thick database” approach Later rebranded as SmartDB Toon Koppelaars set up focus on performance gains Application to APEX My focus is applying this concept to Oracle APEX Consider the blueprints Full Text: In July 2016, Bryn Llewellyn published "Why use PL/SQL?," an Oracle white paper expounding upon the virtues of the thick database approach--focusing on the benefits of data integrity. Toon Koppelaars has a similar presentation that focuses on the performance gains of the thick database.  Both presentations provide specific recommendations targeted to the Java and mid-tier centric development communities. Most of these recommendations apply to APEX applications as well. This presentation will provide specific guidance on applying them in APEX.

5 Goals Correctness (and Security) Performance Ease of Development Ease of Maintenance Instantiating the Thick Database Paradigm to Ensure these Goals are Met

6 Recipe - Ingredients Thought and Planning At Least Two Schemas
One Workspace (with its own schema) Tables Simple Views or Editioning Views Logic in PL/SQL packages Views with Instead Of Triggers* Patience *We will have a lot of discussion on this. This could be a choose your own adventure presentation.

7 Step 1: Consider Multi-User Concurrency (MUC)
Optimistic vs Pessimistic Locking Will front end developers be responsible for managing (MUC)? How will you ensure correctness? For our example we will use an Object Version Number (OVN) column

8 Step 2: Store the Data Create a schema to hold data: GLOC_DATA
Create tables, indexes, sequences, triggers* Name tables TABLE_NAME_RT DEPARTMENT_RT EMPLOYEES_RT Front End developers will never interact with the _RT tables Back End developers will never interact with the _RT tables This schema is the domain of a good DBA *If you like triggers. These may belong on the next slide. CREATE TABLE  "DEPARTMENT_RT"     ( "ID" NUMBER,  "DEPT_NAME" VARCHAR2(256) NOT NULL,  "DEPT_LOCATION" VARCHAR2(256),  "OVN" NUMBER NOT NULL,  CONSTRAINT "DEPARTMENT_RT_PK" PRIMARY KEY ("ID")   USING INDEX  ENABLE    ) / CREATE table "EMPLOYEE_RT" (     "ID"             NUMBER NOT NULL,     "EMP_NAME"       VARCHAR2(256) NOT NULL,     "DEPARTMENT_ID" NUMBER NOT NULL,     "SALARY" NUMBER NOT NULL,     "OVN"            NUMBER NOT NULL,     constraint  "EMPLOYEE_RT_PK" primary key ("ID") ) ALTER TABLE "EMPLOYEE_RT" ADD CONSTRAINT "EMPLOYEE_RT_FK"  FOREIGN KEY ("DEPARTMENT_ID") REFERENCES "DEPARTMENT_RT" ("ID") create sequence "GLOC_SEQ" start with 1 increment by 1 cache 20 nocycle noorder /   

9 Step 3: Consider Edition Based Redefinition (EBR)
If using EBR, for each table create an editioning view. If not using EBR, for each table create a standard view. For my example I will create standard views. Discussion — Should EBR be in the same schema as the data? create view department as    select * from department_rt / create view employee as    select * from employee_rt

10 Step 4: Create Schema for Logic
Create a schema for database (pl/sql) developers: GLOC_LOGIC Grant select on VIEWS (EVs) with grant option* to GLOC_LOGIC Grant insert, update, delete on VIEWS (EVs) to GLOC_LOGIC Grant select on sequences GLOC_LOGIC Create private synonyms for DATA objects (optional) *The grant option will be used to allow front end developers access to data Note: Take care to use CREATE OR REPLACE on views going forward. Do NOT drop and recreate as synonyms become invalid. create synonym department for GLOC_data.department / create synonym employee for GLOC_data.employee create synonym GLOC_seq for GLOC_data.GLOC_seq

11 Step 5: Create Logic Discussion: Table APIs
Beyond TAPIs: Consider “Give everyone in IT a 5% raise” Consider triggers vs API logic (see insert code)    l_id  number := p_id;    begin       if l_id is null then         l_id := GLOC_seq.nextval();       end if; Logic should be created in the LOGIC schema You can’t directly use APEX TAPIs in the LOGIC schema. You can create in DATA, download search and replace, and run in LOGIC schema.

12 Data Storage Objects (Tables, Indexes)
Schema Design (so far)  Grants to Views/EVs Select grants with grant option Grants to Sequences LOGIC APIs DATA Views (CRUD) or EVs Data Storage Objects (Tables, Indexes)

13 Step 6: Create Workspace (Finally!)
Create APEX Workspace in another schema: GLOC As GLOC_LOGIC grant execute on GLOC_tapi to GLOC; Demonstrate: grant select on employee view; Create synonyms as GLOC (optional) synonyms for GLOC_logic APIs; synonyms for GLOC_logic views Note: GLOC could be completely unaware of GLOC_DATA, but the APEX builder will show the views as owned by GLOC_DATA grant execute on GLOC_tapi to GLOC; grant select on employee to GLOC; grant select on department to GLOC; create synonym GLOC_tapi for GLOC_logic.GLOC_tapi; create synonym department for GLOC_logic.department; create synonym employee for GLOC_logic.employee;

14 Security should be implemented at multiple levels
A Word About Security Security should be implemented at multiple levels Multiple Schemas Logic defined in packages in the database Access restricted to packages & Views SQL Injection, Post Data Tampering, etc. You can not rely on browsers and front end developers to secure your data apex banner comments example /Users/anton/Documents/oracle/oware/apex/builder/f4000.sql the runtime where clause

15 Schema Design APEX Workspace Packages Related to UI Only Logic APIs
CRUD Grants to Select Views* Grants to APIs *We will replace this with a different approach in a subsequent step (don’t really do this!) Logic APIs Grants to Views/EVs Select grants with grant option Grants to Sequences DATA Views (CRUD) or EVs Data Storage Objects (Tables, Indexes)

16 Step 7: Make the Workspace Work
At this point, the workspace is functional, but lacks features What works Reports Forms Based on APIs owned by GLOC_LOGIC Interactive Grids with Select Only What doesn’t work Interactive Grids with Insert, Update or Delete Anything that references a ROWID Forms based upon a table or view (automated DML operations) Discuss why these don’t work—and why we do NOT want them to work.

17 Step 7: Make the Workspace Work (ctd)
As the LOGIC user, Create Views with instead of triggers create view employee_crud as select * from employee / create or replace trigger employee_crud_bi_intrg instead of insert on employee_crud begin   GLOC_tapi.ins_employee( p_id  => null                           , p_emp_name => :NEW.emp_name                           , p_department_id => :NEW.department_id                           , p_salary =>   :NEW.salary);                            end;  create or replace trigger employee_crud_bu_intrg instead of update on employee_crud begin   GLOC_tapi.upd_employee( p_id  =>                           , p_emp_name => :NEW.emp_name                           , p_department_id => :NEW.department_id                           , p_salary =>   :NEW.salary                           , p_ovn   => :NEW.ovn);                            end; 

18 Step 7: Make the Workspace Work (ctd)
Unfortunately! In order to allow the GLOC user to insert, update and delete into the new CRUD views, with “instead of” triggers, the GLOC_LOGIC user must have grant option. Also, “instead of” triggers disappear when view is recreated GLOC_DATA must grant with grant option. GLOC_LOGIC grants select, insert, update, delete on _CRUD to GLOC grant select, insert, update, delete on employee to GLOC_logic with grant option; grant select, insert, update, delete on department to GLOC_logic with grant option;

19 Schema Design (revised)
APEX Workspace Packages Related to UI Only Grants to Views with Instead of Triggers Grants to APIs  Logic APIs Grants to Views/EVs Select grants with grant option Grants to Sequences DATA Views (CRUD) or EVs Data Storage Objects (Tables, Indexes)

20 Recap If you are satisfied with APEX features that don’t require Automated DML or updatable Interactive Grids, you can stop at “select” If you want additional APEX automation, create views with Instead Of triggers that exercise the logic in your APIs 

21 Some things still don’t work
Unfortunately… Some things still don’t work  Add row in Interactive Grids requires PK to be set in the IG Returning Value in Automated DML ROWIDs You can’t use the “returning” clause with a view with an Instead Of trigger You can’t add a ROWID column, named ROWID, to a view Demo & Discussion

22 Discussion What is the value in separating schemas?
Data Editioning  Views Logic Presentation / Workspace Do views with Instead Of triggers encourage bad practices? When are the trade-offs just not worth it? When would you create tables just for the presentation layer? Do these require similar levels of “correctness”? APEX doesn’t use multiple schemas, why should we? Update employee_crud set salary = salary * 1.05 ends up with “slow by slow” processing.

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