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Terrain analysis for stream hillslope morphology

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Presentation on theme: "Terrain analysis for stream hillslope morphology"— Presentation transcript:

1 Terrain analysis for stream hillslope morphology
Rob Payn Aquatic, Watershed, and Earth Resources Utah State University

2 Dissertation research
How do stream hydraulics relate to hillslope morphology? Discharge (stream inflow) Stream – ground water exchange (hyporheic exchange) How can catchment drainage hydraulics be scaled based on these relationships?

3 Research area: Tenderfoot Creek Experimental Forest, MT

4 Why is this important? Stream water quality Water quantity
Where is inflow (discharge) originating? Biogeochemical reactions in storage Water quantity How much retention? Reaction to storms and snowmelt Can we scale our reach understanding to whole catchments?

5 Quantifying hillslope morphology
Riparian vs. hillslope area Hillslope vs. valley gradient

6 Finding riparian / hillslope boundaries with terrain analysis
Find non-stream flow paths from all stream cells Check all cells for flow from neighbors 2 2 3 1 1 2

7 Finding riparian / hillslope boundaries with terrain analysis
Find non-stream flow paths from all stream cells Check all cells for flow from neighbors 2 2 3 1 1 2

8 Research area: Tenderfoot Creek Experimental Forest, MT

9 Distance to stream

10 Elevation above stream

11 Riparian threshold

12 Riparian threshold

13 Current implementation
Future implementation? ArcMap Toolbox Scripts TauDEM or ArcHydro Model builder ESRI grid files ESRI Lib. TauDEM Source C programs

14 Other potential algorithms
Weighted threshold Slope breaks Potential morphologic analyses Average hillslope gradients Riparian widths Riparian width vs. valley slope

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