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Tabletop Exercise April 7, 2016

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1 Tabletop Exercise April 7, 2016
Prepared by: Brian Madison The Center for Preparedness Education Brian

2 Exercise Planning Team
Brian Madison, Director Emergency Management and Business Development Andrew Hills, Emergency Response Coordinator Elayne Saejung, Asst. Director Center for Preparedness Education Leslie Scofield, Director of First Responder Education Chad Bluschke, Station Manager, Midwest Medical Transport Brian

3 Life Support Issues Phones/Pagers Restrooms Emergency Exits
Other Safety Information Breaks Brian Phones and pagers set to stun direct to restrooms point out emergency exits and other safety items Breaks will be taken either between modules, or combined with discussion periods

4 Agenda Exercise Structure and Format Player and Facilitator Roles
Exercise Rules STARTEX Brian Explain that we will put together an after-action-report. This will include the strengths of the current plan and opportunities for improvement.

5 Purpose The purpose of the exercise is to evaluate and review your plans and knowledge of how communication and flow of a suspected Ebola patient is treated Brian

6 Exercise Objectives Communications. Evaluate hospital, local health department, emergency medical system, and assessment hospital use of the incident command system to manage the incident. Critical Resources Logistics and Distribution. Acquisition of EMS assets, Personal Protection Equipment (PPE), Laboratory, Infection Control measures, and decontamination resources for all stakeholders involved. Emergency Operations Center Management. Hospital, local health department, emergency medical system, and assessment hospital staff will demonstrate understanding of their roles in a Ebola Viral Disease (EVD) response. Brian

7 Exercise Objectives Cont.
Emergency Public Safety & Security Response. Exercise participants will understand the role of Emergency Management in a emergency and how Emergency Management collaborates with all stakeholders involved . Emergency Public Information & Warning. All stakeholders will demonstrate their ability to provide public information and warning to staff, media, local, and state entities. Brian

8 Exercise Structure & Format
Discussion Based Exercise (Tabletop) Briefing Discussion Period Report-out Repeat the process Brian Handouts will be provided for players to record some of their responses. These will be collected at the end of the exercise and copies provided to the Tabletop planning Committee. The Center will use these to draft the after action report.

9 Facilitator Roles Guide the discussion
Ensure that responses are recorded for inclusion in after-action report Act as general information resources (if needed) Brian You have the answers – we’re just here to guide the process.

10 Exercise Rules Respond based on what you know (your understanding of your agency’s emergency operations plan and your knowledge of other existing plans and capabilities) Answers given are not carved in stone Assume realistic cooperation and support from responders and other public agencies Brian Opinions are not precedent-setting and may not reflect your department’s final position on a given issue. This is an opportunity to discuss and present multiple options and possible solutions. Issue identification is not as valuable as suggestions and recommended actions that could improve response and preparedness efforts. Problem-solving efforts should be the focus. Assume cooperation and support from other responders and agencies.

11 Exercise Rules Continued
Issue identification is not as valuable as suggestions and recommended actions that could improve response and preparedness efforts. Problem-solving efforts should be the focus. Brian Focus on Problem SOLVING!!

12 Tabletop Exercise April 7, 2016

13 Module 1 – April 7, 2016/1330 hrs A PUI in the state of Utah decides to travel to Iowa to visit family without notifying the Utah Department of Public Health and becomes sick en route through Nebraska and stops 4 miles outside of Grand Island, along I-80. The PUI’s wife calls 911 for assistance. EMS Unit is dispatched and en route to the scene. Brian

14 Module 1 Questions What is the 9-1-1 Call Center doing at this time?
Are any plans in place to notify anyone else other then EMS? Is EMS staff in the unit notified of potential suspected EVD patient? How will they be notified? Does EMS have any plans and procedures in place that guide transportation measures when a suspected EVD patient may be in the ambulance? How does this impact care during transit? Are there any other notifications going out at this time? Give the group time to look through the plan. Write the most important items on a flip chart Identify other plans that need to be implemented.

15 Module 2 – Patient Arrives
Your Emergency Department is notified by EMS that a patient who exhibits signs/symptoms of EVD is en route. Emergency Management and the local health department have been notified. You are notified that he will be brought to your hospital for evaluation. The patient ultimately arrives at your Emergency Department (or your designated entry point) via ambulance with his wife following via personal vehicle. Brian

16 Module 2 Questions Has a facility-specific “Ebola suspect” policy and procedure been developed and disseminated to all relevant staff? [e.g., ED, floor/hospitalist, intensive care unit (ICU) staff?] Where is the location for EMS to drop off the patient? Does the facility policy outline procedures for notifying key staff, when a suspect Ebola patient is identified? Does the facility have an incident command structure in place, if needed, and defined thresholds for activation in response to a suspect Ebola patient? Does the facility policy address appropriate PPE, and have PPE supplies been procured in advance and stocked at points needed (e.g., ED triage, outside a designated ED room/floor room/ICU room)? Brian

17 Module 2 Questions Cont. Does the facility policy designate patient room(s) or areas in their ED (at a minimum), medical floor and ICU (where applicable), where a suspect Ebola patient would be most safely placed? Has the designated patient care room or area been stocked with disposable patient care equipment or what infection control measures for equipment have been taken (e.g., blood pressure cuffs)? What is the impact on patient care/operations for the rest of the facility? Brian

18 Module 2 Questions Cont.(2)…
Is there a protocol for decontaminating the patients room once patient leaves? What are the protocols for decontaminating the EMS Unit that was involved in the transfer from the patients pick up point to the hospital? What measures and/or protocols is Emergency Management making at this time? Local health department?

19 Module 3 – Information Sharing
Notification has been made to the Local Public Health Department. The Mayor's office has contacted the hospital ICS and would like an update on the potential status of the suspected Ebola Virus Disease patient. The local media outlets have also started to call in to the hospital and the city EOC. Brian

20 Module 3 Questions Has a hospital/city Public Information Officer (PIO) been designated to issue media releases and answer media questions? Has a Joint Information Center been established? Are media templates in place ready to modify as needed for quick release? Is there a mechanism in place to alert and educate hospital staff about the case in the hospital? Patients?

21 Hotwash Brian

22 Please Complete your Evaluations
Thank You!! Any questions can be directed to: Brian Madison or at

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