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Internet and Media Safety for Families Lesson 7 Make Emergency Response Plans 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Internet and Media Safety for Families Lesson 7 Make Emergency Response Plans 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Internet and Media Safety for Families Lesson 7 Make Emergency Response Plans 1

2 Internet and Media Safety for Families Lesson 6 Review Teach Your Children about inappropriate Internet/Media Exposures Perform a household job with a child Discuss the content in For the Strength of Youth with your children individually Evaluate the best Internet content filter strategy for your home Consider Teaching about Procreation and Chastity - Family Home Evening Resource Book 2

3 Internet and Media Safety for Families Internet and Media Safety for Families 7-Lesson Sunday School Class 1. Children are an Heritage of the Lord 2. The Sacred Roles of Fathers and Mothers 3. Internet and Media Safety for Families 4. Teach your Children about Media Choices 5. Teach your Children to prevent/avoid Pornography 6. Teach Your Children about inappropriate Internet/Media Exposures 7. Make Emergency Response Plans 3

4 Internet and Media Safety for Families Lesson Outline Lesson Objectives Children need guidance as they make decisions Parents can help children exercise their agency righteously Parents should allow children to learn from the consequences of unwise decisions Parents should show unfailing love for children who go astray Suggested Actions 4

5 Internet and Media Safety for Families Lesson Objectives Teach principles that will help parents guide their children in making decisions Understand why parents should show unfailing love for children who go astray 5

6 Internet and Media Safety for Families Children need guidance as they make decisions 6

7 Internet and Media Safety for Families Are You Media Smart? - 1 for younger children 1. Always ask a parent for permission before you surf the Internet or watch TV 2. Go only to websites that you and your parents know are good for children 3. Dont be afraid to leave the room when you feel uncomfortable 4. On a social-networking websites, ask your parents to help you with settings 5. When you are on the Internet, dont give someone your name 7

8 Internet and Media Safety for Families Are You Media Smart? - 2 for younger children 6. Dont send someone you dont know a photograph of yourself 7. Never agree to meet in person someone you met on the Internet 8. Dont give anyone your passwords 9. Dont open an email from someone you dont know 10. Look for fun activities on the Friend website at 8

9 Internet and Media Safety for Families Dare to Stand Alone 9

10 Internet and Media Safety for Families How to Recognize Dangerous Email You dont know the person sending email Claims sound too good to be true Someone wants to send you money or a prize Bank asks for your account information Email asks to click on a link or download a file Email has misspellings or sounds awkward Never click the Unsubscribe link 10

11 Internet and Media Safety for Families Parents can help children exercise their agency righteously 11

12 Internet and Media Safety for Families Scam Artists come in all sizes 12

13 Internet and Media Safety for Families How would you help your child deal with these scenarios? Your child clicks on a Web search result link and is shocked by the web page displayed Your child receives an email or text with a photo that makes him or her uncomfortable Your child is invited to another family to view a movie that makes him or her uncomfortable Your child sees a pornographic magazine on the sidewalk A friend shows your child horrible images on the Web or an anti-Mormon website 13

14 Internet and Media Safety for Families How would you address these scenarios with your child? Your child has deliberately sought out inappropriate websites Your child has played violent video games at a friends house Your child has deliberately shown inappropriate websites to a younger sibling 14

15 Internet and Media Safety for Families Good Web Surfing Habits Update anti-virus and anti-malware programs Use a physical firewall Never click on pop-ups Be selective about registering at websites Avoid suspect websites Use credit card only on well-known websites Avoid peer-to-peer (P2P) network programs Log out from websites before leaving computer 15

16 Internet and Media Safety for Families Parents should allow children to learn from the consequences of unwise decisions 16

17 Internet and Media Safety for Families Parental Controls 17

18 Internet and Media Safety for Families Enemy Territory 18

19 Internet and Media Safety for Families Google search engine with strict filtering 19

20 Internet and Media Safety for Families Parents should show unfailing love for children who go astray 20

21 Internet and Media Safety for Families Amazon Sales Check Addiction 21

22 Internet and Media Safety for Families Staying Safe on YouTube 22

23 Internet and Media Safety for Families We need to protect our nestlings Boyd K. Packer 23

24 Internet and Media Safety for Families Plug In to your Family Hold Family Home Evening Create a family identity Set times for TV, video games and Internet Be OK with unstructured time 24

25 Internet and Media Safety for Families The Internet is a wonderful place 25

26 Internet and Media Safety for Families Conclusions When parents guide their children in making decisions, children grow in understanding Showing unfailing love for children who go astray is difficult but essential to maintaining a positive relationship Our children can benefit from the Internet 26

27 Internet and Media Safety for Families Suggested Actions Act on opportunities to guide your children in making decisions Express your love to your children even under difficult circumstances Consider setting the Safe Search Kids domain as the home page for your children Use this course material and resources to teach your children 27

28 Internet and Media Safety for Families Discussion 28

29 Internet and Media Safety for Families Dot Complicated Maintaining a balance between online and real life Tips for online life App recommendations for children Teaching children about a healthy online life 29

30 Internet and Media Safety for Families Bibliography - 1 Marriage and Family Relations - Instructors Manual – relations-instructors-manual?lang=eng relations-instructors-manual?lang=eng Marriage and Family Relations - Participants Study Guide – relations-participants-study-guide?lang=eng relations-participants-study-guide?lang=eng 30

31 Internet and Media Safety for Families WEBWISE A teen guide to staying safe online – Internet use and safety – -use-and-safety -use-and-safety Parents on social media – Top ten online safety tips – What can parents do? – 31

32 Internet and Media Safety for Families Bibliography - 2 Adblock Plus – Are You Media Smart? – smart?lang=eng&query=%22passwords%22 smart?lang=eng&query=%22passwords%22 Be a Better Dad: How to Discipline with Love – to-Discipline-with-Love to-Discipline-with-Love Educational Games On the Internet – games-on-the-internet/ games-on-the-internet/ Free and fun online games for young children to play – online-games-for-young-children-to-play/ online-games-for-young-children-to-play/ 32

33 Internet and Media Safety for Families Bibliography - 3 Fun and Interesting Ways To Teach Your Child About Internet Safety – Ways-To-Teach-Your-Child-About-Internet-Safety Ways-To-Teach-Your-Child-About-Internet-Safety Google - Safe Search Kids – Here's A Great Idea For Creating Passwords That Are Easy To Remember But Hard To Hack – Great-Idea-For-Creating-Passwords-That-5039969.php Great-Idea-For-Creating-Passwords-That-5039969.php How to Teach Your Kids Decision Making Skills – Online Safety: Tips to Monitor Your Kids Online Activities – your-kid-s-online-activities your-kid-s-online-activities 33

34 Internet and Media Safety for Families Bibliography - 4 Responsible Search Strategies for Kids – sible-search-strategies-for-kids sible-search-strategies-for-kids Staying Safe on YouTube – ng-safe-youtube ng-safe-youtube YouTube - Safety Center – ety.html ety.html 34

35 Internet and Media Safety for Families Web has its limitation 35 Quick! Go online and find out how to do CPR on a fish.

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