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Chapter 2 Gaining Competitive Advantage Through Information Systems

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1 Chapter 2 Gaining Competitive Advantage Through Information Systems
“You’ve got a life. TiVo gets it.” TiVo Incorporated advertisement motto.

2 Learning Objectives 2-2 1. Discuss how information systems can be used for automation, organizational learning, and strategic advantage. 2. Describe international business and IS strategies used by companies operating in the digital world. 3. Explain why and how companies are continually looking for innovative ways to use information systems for competitive advantage. 4. Describe freeconomics and how organizations can leverage digital technologies to provide free goods and services to customers as a business strategy for gaining a competitive advantage.

3 Learning Objectives 2-3 1. Discuss how information systems can be used for automation, organizational learning, and strategic advantage. 2. Describe international business and IS strategies used by companies operating in the digital world. 3. Explain why and how companies are continually looking for innovative ways to use information systems for competitive advantage. 4. Describe freeconomics and how organizations can leverage digital technologies to provide free goods and services to customers as a business strategy for gaining a competitive advantage.

4 Decision-Making Levels of an Organization

5 Operational Level Day-to-day business processes
Interactions with customers Decisions: structured, recurring, and can often be automated using IS. IS used to: optimize processes, and understand causes of performance problems.

6 Operational Level (cont’d)

7 Managerial Level Functional managers Managers’ decisions
Monitor and control operational-level activities Focus: effectively utilizing and deploying resources Goal: achieving strategic objectives Managers’ decisions Semistructured Moderately complex Time horizon of few days to few months IS can help with: performance analytics (dashboards), predictive analysis, and providing key performance indicators (KPI).

8 Managerial Level (cont’d)

9 Executive Level The president, CEO, vice presidents, board of directors Decisions Unstructured Long-term strategic issues Complex and nonroutine problems with long-term ramifications IS is used to: obtain aggregate summaries of trends and projections, and provide KPIs across the organization.

10 Executive Level (cont’d)

11 Organizational Functional Areas

12 Business Process Supported by Functional Area IS

13 Major IS Tasks: Business Value Added
Automating: Doing Things Faster Organizational Learning: Doing Things Better Supporting Strategy: Doing Things Smarter

14 Competitive Forces (Pressures on the Firm)

15 Pursuit of Competitive Advantage
Best-made product Superior customer service Lower costs than rivals Proprietary manufacturing technology Shorter development/test lead times Well-known brand name More value for the money

16 How IS Enhances Firm’s Competitiveness

17 Use of IS in the Value Chain

18 Learning Objectives 2-18 1. Discuss how information systems can be used for automation, organizational learning, and strategic advantage. 2. Describe international business and IS strategies used by companies operating in the digital world. 3. Explain why and how companies are continually looking for innovative ways to use information systems for competitive advantage. 4. Describe freeconomics and how organizations can leverage digital technologies to provide free goods and services to customers as a business strategy for gaining a competitive advantage.

19 International Business Strategies in the Digital World
The number of exclusively domestic companies is shrinking. Today’s large companies have some international business strategy for competing in global markets. Home Replication Strategy Multidomestic Strategy Global Strategy Transnational Strategy

20 Home Replication Strategy
International business as an extension of home business Strengths: focus on core competencies in home market Weakness: inability to react to local market conditions Appropriate use: homogeneous markets

21 Global Business Strategy
Centralized organization with standardized offerings across markets Strengths: standardized product offerings allow achieving economies of scale Weakness: inability to react to local market conditions Appropriate use: homogeneous markets

22 Multidomestic Business Strategy
Federation of associated business units; decentralized Strengths: ability to quickly react to local conditions Weakness: differing product offerings limit economies of scale, and limited inter-unit communication limits knowledge sharing Appropriate use: very heterogeneous markets

23 Transnational Business Strategy
Some aspects centralized, others decentralized; integrated network Strengths: can achieve benefits of multidomestic and global strategies Weakness: difficult to manage; very complex Appropriate use: integrated global markets

24 Learning Objectives 2-24 1. Discuss how information systems can be used for automation, organizational learning, and strategic advantage. 2. Describe international business and IS strategies used by companies operating in the digital world. 3. Explain why and how companies are continually looking for innovative ways to use information systems for competitive advantage. 4. Describe freeconomics and how organizations can leverage digital technologies to provide free goods and services to customers as a business strategy for gaining a competitive advantage.

25 Valuing Innovations Which new technology will make or break your business?

26 Successful Innovation Is Difficult
Innovation is often fleeting. The advantages gained from innovations are often short lived. Innovation is often risky. Sometimes even superior products can lose the race. Blu-ray vs. HD DVD Innovation choices are often difficult. Foreseeing the future is not always possible. In 1994, the Internet was not given much attention.

27 Organizational Requirements for Innovation
Process requirements—the organization has to be willing to do whatever it takes to implement the change. Resource requirements—need to have the human capital necessary for successful deployment of the system Risk tolerance requirements—organizational members must have appropriate tolerance of risk and uncertainty.

28 Predicting the Next New Thing
Deciding which innovations to adopt is very difficult. Diffusion of Innovations Classic view of adoption of innovations

29 The Innovator’s Dilemma
Disruptive innovations New technologies, products, or services that eventually surpass dominant technologies Online vs. brick-and-mortar retailing Automobiles vs. horses CDs vs. records MP3 vs. CDs Undermine effective management practices

30 Disruptive Innovations
1970s: mid- and high-performance users were bulk of the market Digital Equipment Company (DEC) tried to sell to those markets Microcomputers seen as “toys”

31 Disruptive Innovations (cont’d)
1980s: Microcomputers focusing on low-performance users’ needs Ignored by DEC

32 Disruptive Innovations (cont’d)
1990s: Growing performance of Microcomputers, meeting mid-performance users’ needs DEC lost biggest market segment

33 Disruptive Innovations (cont’d)
Today, micro-computers meeting entire market’s needs DEC out of business Next disruptive innovation: 3G and 4G mobile phones?

34 The Innovator’s Solution
Christensen outlines a process—disruptive growth engine—that helps organizations respond to disruptive innovations more effectively. Start early. Executive leadership. Build a team of expert innovators. Educate the organization.

35 Implementing the Innovation Process
E-Business Innovation Cycle The key to success is the extent of IS use in timely and innovative ways. Based on: Wheeler (2002)

36 E-Business Innovation Cycle
Choosing Enabling/Emerging Technologies Based on: Wheeler (2002) Process/ group devoted to looking for emerging IT

37 E-Business Innovation Cycle (cont’d)
Matching Technologies to Opportunities Based on: Wheeler (2002) Most promising new technology matched with current economic opportunities

38 E-Business Innovation Cycle (cont’d)
Executing Business Innovation for Growth Based on: Wheeler (2002) Stage at which the change is actually implemented

39 E-Business Innovation Cycle (cont’d)
Assessing Value Based on: Wheeler (2002) Value created for customers and internal operations assessed

40 Three Ways to Think About Investments in Disruptive Innovations
Put technology ahead of strategy. Technology is so important to success, it needs to be considered first. Strategy is developed afterwards. Put technology ahead of marketing. Rapid development of technology makes it impossible for people to know what they want. Innovation is continuous. New technologies are constantly being developed.

41 Learning Objectives 2-41 1. Discuss how information systems can be used for automation, organizational learning, and strategic advantage. 2. Describe international business and IS strategies used by companies operating in the digital world. 3. Explain why and how companies are continually looking for innovative ways to use information systems for competitive advantage. 4. Describe freeconomics and how organizations can leverage digital technologies to provide free goods and services to customers as a business strategy for gaining a competitive advantage.

42 Freeconomics Freeconomics—The leveraging of digital technologies to provide free goods and services to customers as a business strategy for gaining competitive advantage.

43 How Does Freeconomics Work (for Yahoo!)
Price is set by a product/service’s marginal costs. Marginal costs for digital services decrease tremendously. Yahoo! makes millions with free service (by placing ads).

44 The Freeconomic Value Proposition
Someone, somewhere is paying for a services. Value proposition includes more than just buyers and sellers. Advertisers (see Google)

45 Approaches for Applying Freeconomics
Advertising Freemium Cross-Subsidies Zero Marginal Cost Labor Exchange Gift Economy

46 End of Chapter Content 2-46

47 NET STATS Online Searching
To “Google” has become a household verb meaning search.

48 For Sale by Owner: Your Company’s Name.Com
Domainers Buy and sell domain names, the “real estate” of the internet Bought $9 billion in 2006 and $23 billion in 2009 One approach: buy a name and try to sell it (e.g., Alternative approach: rent advertising space on domain name to marketers Buy and hold general domain name (e.g., Direct web traffic to an aggregator (middleman) who designs a web site and taps into advertising networks Searcher clicking on the domain name; advertiser pays domainer a fee

49 ETHICAL DILEMMA Underground Gaming Economy
Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game—MMORPG Virtual world—players live through avatars Players started selling virtual tools for real money—farmers Banned from various gaming sites due to behavior being unethical and fear of turning users away What’s your take on farmers and people “buying” tools and advancement without mastering the skills?

50 WHEN THINGS GO WRONG e-Waste Is a Global Problem
Disposal of electronics containing hazardous materials is a rising issue. U.S. exports much of its e-waste to third world countries. China banned the import in 2002. Other countries to follow In mid 2006, EU banned toxic ingredients. Production of “green” hardware In the United States, no federal legislation, but several states have e-waste laws. Pace of technological changes increases problem.

51 Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Printed in the United States of America. Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall

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