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West vs. Eastern Church: Festivals of Christmas and Easter

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1 West vs. Eastern Church: Festivals of Christmas and Easter

2 Complete the table on page 23 summarising Western and Eastern celebrations of
Advent Christmas

3 Lent – what does it celebrate/ commemorate?


5 Triduum – “three days” – Maundy Thurs, Good Fri, Holy Sat
Triduum – “three days” – Maundy Thurs, Good Fri, Holy Sat. Special “tenebrae” psalm services on these three days. Put the events of Lent/ Holy Week/Easter in the order in which they are celebrated in the Western Church 4. Easter Holy Saturday – no eucharist celebrated. Altar and tabernacle are bare. Ash Wednesday – ashes. Strict fast. Beginning of purple vestments. Laetare Sunday (rejoice Sunday) mid point of lent 4th Sun, rose vestments Easter Sunday – 3 Eucharists (vigil, dawn, day). Easter Vigil begins at midnight. White vestments. Maundy Thurs (Celebration of Lord’s Supper) Passion Sunday (gospel reading is of the Jesus’ suffering and death) Palm Sunday (Procession enacting crowds greeting Jesus as he enters Jerusalem), readings of the Passion Good Friday – strict fast. no liturgy of eucharist. Veneration of the Cross.

6 Lent & Easter Make notes about similarities and differences between LENT and EASTER in the two traditions. What are some differences in how it is celebrated?

7 1. Comparing Christmas/ Easter for importance 2
1. Comparing Christmas/ Easter for importance 2. Comparing West/ Eastern celebrations Evaluate how significant the two seasons are for the Christian faith Evaluate how similar/ different the two traditions are

8 Assessment Compare the way that the Catholic and Protestant traditions understanding the Eucharist. Discuss Augustine’s view of baptism in comparison with Protestant understandings of baptism.

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