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JCL Standards #2 Company Name

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Presentation on theme: "JCL Standards #2 Company Name"— Presentation transcript:

1 JCL Standards #2 Company Name
Graphic: Insert your organization's name in the above slide. Audio to include the following: Welcome to the JCL Standards #2 presentation. My name is _____. I work in the ___ department and have been using JCL for ___ years. (This should be expanded so the learner is confident that you have the right credentials to create this presentation.) This presentation follows on from the “Working with the EXEC Statement” and “Working with the DD Statement” Datatrain courses and associated Datatrain JCL Concepts assessment. The presentation will show how these two statements are used in our organization. Any questions about the content of this presentation or the Datatrain modules just mentioned should be forwarded to _______ so they can be included in the Webinar discussion at the end of this learning pathway.

2 Using EXEC and DD statements
Identify where organizational programs and procedures are stored. Describe the organizational standards for EXEC and DD statements and why they are required. Audio will need to cover the following: The training sessions that you have undertaken so far have focused on general JCL usage associated with the JOB, EXEC, and DD statements, which form the majority of the "building blocks" used to create a batch job. The JCL Standards #1 PowerPoint presentation looked at our organizational requirements for the JCL JOB statement and the general format of JCL statements. The aim of this session is to explain how the EXEC and DD statements are used in our organization, the standards and processes that you need to be aware of, and the implications of not following them. Expand on the objectives above.

3 Step basics Are there standards for step names?
Description of the activity performed by the step Graphic: Select an example of an EXEC statement that is commonly used in your organization to replace the example on this slide. Audio will need to cover the following: Firstly, you will look at the EXEC statement that is used to invoke a program or procedure. Step names do not need to be specified in JCL, but in our organization _______ and they must be unique to the job. (Describe the standard used in your organization and explain why it is used and what happens when it is not adhered to.) If documentation is required, describe the standard or best practice. For example, the lines immediately following each EXEC statement should contain an explanation about the step, including its purpose and the action to take if the job fails in this step.

4 COND parameters on the EXEC statement
How do we use them? Common examples used in our JCL and what they indicate Graphic: Select an example of the use of the EXEC statement COND parameter in your organization and insert it in the above slide. Alternatively, add an additional slide that contains several common examples. Audio will need to cover the following: Conditional checking can be performed in several ways. In our organization, the standard is to ____ . (If the COND parameter is used at the step level, explain that this method can be used in preference to others.) If examples are displayed on this slide, explain how they are used and why. Choose simple examples as the COND parameter is discussed in more detail in later courses.

5 DD statement Are there data set naming standards?
Which data set parameters do I need to code? What about output-related parameters? Audio will need to cover the following: You will now look at the DD statement, particularly the standards used for data set naming. You will also see the parameters that are used to reference and create data sets and output. Entering any of these incorrectly can result in job failures or not being able to locate output that you require. (Explain other possible consequences of coding this information incorrectly, citing some of your own experiences.)

6 Are there data set naming standards?
What data set names are allowed in your JCL? What about temporary data sets? Graphics: An example of the data set names used in JCL can be displayed on this slide. Audio will need to cover the following : You have probably noticed that the input and output data set names specified in the JCL that you use has a standard name. These standards can be located ______. Explain why these standards are used, such as easier debugging and identification of the data set's purpose, and what happens when the standards are not adhered to. You may also need to explain the different naming conventions for VSAM, database files, tape, and DASD sequential and partitioned data sets. Explain whether temporary data sets are used, the situations in which they are used, and the naming convention that is used.

7 Which data set parameters do I need to code?
Which DD statement parameters are required for data sets? What are the defaults if I do not enter any parameters? Graphics: Select an example of JCL that is commonly used in your organization and include it on this slide. Audio will need to cover the following: As you will have noticed in previous training, there are many DD statement parameters that can be used. Our organization does not use all of them, and sometimes they are left to their defaults. Discuss what happens when parameters such as UNIT, SPACE, and DCB are not included when a new data set is created, and why it can be beneficial to specify them. Explain the standards, if any, that govern the use of the required DD statements. Also explain why standards are required, and the consequences of not adhering to them. Explain the role that SMS plays in handling data sets in your organization.

8 Output-related parameters
What sysout standards are there? Which output-related parameters are required? Graphics: Select an example of common coding for output–related statements and include it on this slide. Audio will need to cover the following: The output class that you specify in your JCL dictates where you can view the output produced by the job. Explain where these standards are and what they mean. For example, certain sysout classes can be printed immediately, and others are sent to the held output queue and displayed by using a product such as SDSF. Other parameters are used by our organization in association with the sysout parameter. Explain the standards and defaults used for the DEST, FORM, COPIES, and other parameters that used by your organization.

9 Summary Invoking programs and procedures
Standards used when creating data sets and output Audio: This presentation has shown how our JCL is used to reference programs and procedures, and the parameters that can be used when creating data sets and output. The next stage of the training schedule requires you to attend our internal Webinar – “How do we use JCL?”. Being a Webinar, you will have the opportunity to interact with the presenter. Please forward any JCL related questions that you have to ____ prior to this session so they can be integrated into the presentation. Thank you for attending.

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