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HM. Clause Internship Joel Whitehead.

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1 HM. Clause Internship Joel Whitehead

2 Company Information Owned by Limagrain.
4th biggest seed company in the world. U.S. operation is located in Davis, California. Produces seeds for 25 different species of crops.

3 HM. Clause and the market
Has the biggest market share globally in melon, pumpkin, corn salad, zucchini, and fennel. Second biggest in cauliflower, hot pepper, and beans. Third biggest in tomato and pepper. Biggest competitors are Monsanto and Syngenta.

4 Background of Company HM. Clause is actually two companies:
Harris Moran and Clause. Harris Moran is the brand used in the United States. Originally started in 1879 and acquired several other companies. Clause is the European brand. Originally started in 1891 and acquired one other company.

5 Company Culture Think globally, act locally.
Company is located in over 30 countries. Global company with research stations all over the world. Stations are located in US, France, Spain, Mexico, Jordan and Indian. In the US, its facilities are in Davis-CA, Immokalee-FL and Sun Prairie-WI. Heavily research focused. About 30% of employees involved in research activities.

6 Fresh Market Tomato Breeding Program
Supervisor: Marcio Pais De Arruda Staff: one full time employee, one seasonal employee, one intern. Tomato season runs from July until October in California. Syngenta is market leader in California

7 Responsibilities as an Intern
Perform field evaluations. Collect and process data. Improve organizational skills. Work on group and individual projects. Assist with crossing.

8 Field Evaluations Two types of field evaluations:
Stage 1 and Stage 2 trials. Stage 1 trials evaluate brand new crosses. Stage 2 trials evaluate the selections from the breeder trials.

9 Criteria of a Trial Each trial is 12 plants long.
Vines are observed for appearance, shape, size, and fruit cover. Fruit is shaken from vine, culled, and sorted. Fruit is then judged based on yield, shape, uniformity, earliness, blossom end, and stem scar.

10 Stage 1 Trials Many new varieties that come from the crosses made in the greenhouses. Highly variable characteristics. Most new varieties are dropped immediately. Designed to find varieties to plant in field trials. Smaller plots, fewer replications, located mostly at the research station.

11 Stage 2 Trials Varieties are put out in many different locations.
Farmers grow trials just like the rest of the crop. Allows for many repetitions of varieties in different environments. Larger plots allow for more observations. Varieties selected here move on to bigger trials.

12 Crossing One of the most important parts of breeding.
Tomato hybrids have to be crossed from the same parents every time. Flowers must be emasculated and pollinated by hand.

13 Breeding Project Analysis of fruit using a computer program that measurements internal and external fruit characteristics. Create charts to show how our varieties compare to market leaders. Intended to find statistically significant correlation of characteristics.






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