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Goals of Therapy for Patients With UC

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Presentation on theme: "Goals of Therapy for Patients With UC"— Presentation transcript:

1 Treatment Advances in Achieving Remission in Mild to Moderate Ulcerative Colitis

2 Goals of Therapy for Patients With UC

3 Sequential Therapies for UC

4 Oral 5-ASA Formulations: Sites of Delivery

5 Conventional Corticosteroids in UC

6 Corticosteroids: Dependency— Short- and Long-term Efficacy

7 CORE I and II: Budesonide MMX Primary End Point: Combined Clinical and Endoscopic Remission

8 Azathioprine vs 5-ASA for Corticosteroid-Dependent, Active UC

9 Anti-TNF Therapies for Moderate to Severe Disease

10 Treatment Algorithm to Maximize Remission and Minimize Corticosteroid Dependence in UC

11 Patient Case

12 Mesalamine Safety

13 Patient Case (cont)

14 Pooled Safety Data: Adverse Effects of Budesonide MMX in Patients With Active UC

15 Anti-TNF Agents: Adverse Events

16 Minimizing Toxicity for Anti-TNF Therapy

17 Summary: Safety

18 Effect on Bone Density

19 Monitoring the Patient Receiving Budesonide MMX

20 Summary: Safety of Agents Used to Induce Remission in Mild to Moderate UC

21 Abbreviations

22 References

23 References (cont)

24 References (cont)

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