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Pediatric Preclinical Testing Consortium

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1 Pediatric Preclinical Testing Consortium
April 2018

2 PPTC Primary Objective
The PPTC is designed to produce reliable preclinical in vivo data using genomically characterized patient-derived xenograft lines so that childhood cancer clinical researchers can better prioritize which agents to pursue in pediatric clinical trials. Effective prioritization of truly active agents for pediatric clinical testing is essential to future success in identifying more effective treatments for children with cancer.

3 History Pediatric Preclinical Testing Program (PPTP) received two 5-year awards from NCI PPTP awards were research contracts with Dr. Peter Houghton as PI St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Nationwide Children’s Hospital Systematic approach to preclinical testing with in vivo focus More than 80 agents More than 50 pharmaceutical companies More than 70 publications

4 PPTC Niche The PPTC develops robust preclinical datasets for candidate agents using genomically characterized childhood cancer xenograft lines Complementary to other research activities: More basic research teams identify critical biological pathways and therapeutic targets Individual laboratories focus on mechanism of action (primarily in vitro experiments) Pharmaceutical companies develop agents for adult cancer markets Clinical research teams prioritize agents for clinical evaluation

5 Pediatric Preclinical Testing Consortium (PPTC)
The PPTC is funded through a cooperative agreement. Testing is performed by highly qualified research programs that focus on specific childhood cancers. Coordination and data management/analysis is by the PPTC Coordinating Center. NCI has specific responsibilities in providing scientific, technical, and regulatory assistance, advice, and coordination within the Consortium. The NCI Program Director for PPTC is Dr. Malcolm Smith of Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program (CTEP) Dr. Beverly Teicher serves as an NCI Steering Committee representative NCI is responsible for negotiating Material Transfer Agreement (MTAs) with pharmaceutical companies.

6 PPTC Members Role Institution PI Coordinating Center
Research Triangle Institute (RTI) Greg Gatto, PhD Sarcoma & Renal Greehey Children’s Cancer Research Institute Peter Houghton, PhD Raushan Kurmasheva, PhD Neuroblastoma Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia John Maris, MD Osteosarcoma MD Anderson Cancer Center Richard Gorlick, MD Leukemia Children’s Cancer Institute Australia Richard Lock, PhD CNS Baylor College of Medicine Xiao-Nan Li, MD, PhD

7 Coordinating Center Name Position Greg Gatto, PhD
Principal Investigator and Project Director Steve Erickson, PhD Statistician John Guo, PhD Cindy McClintock Project Coordinator Rebecca Hipp Jeff Ambroso, PhD Toxicologist Sophie Li Data Management

8 PPTC Organization

9 PPTC Funding Total funding of approximately $2.7 million per year
Testing of 6 to 10 new agents (or combinations of agents) annually across relevant, well-characterized preclinical models. Limited funding for PK/PD studies

10 Evaluating Agents Through PPTC
Confidentiality agreement (if needed) Application (see application at Review by PPTC Steering Committee Research Plan developed by PPTC MTA with NCI (see Provision of agent to PPTC Coordinating Center In vivo testing and analysis of results at relevant Research Program(s) Report for company with 8-12 months of drug receipt

11 Agents Tested by PPTC and Transitioned to the Clinic for Evaluation in Children with Cancer
Alisertib (MLN8237) NTX-010 Selumetinib for BRAF-mutated low-grade astrocytoma Rapalog plus standard chemotherapy (for rhabdomyosarcoma) IGF-1R antibodies Eribulin Talazoparib (BMN 673) plus low-dose temozolomide

12 PPTC Material Transfer Agreements
Company executes MTA with CTEP/NCI for provision of agent for Pediatric Preclinical Testing Consortium only. No other uses of agent under this MTA. NCI has executed MTAs with each of participating institutions and a collaboration agreement with the PPTC Coordinating Center No significant modifications to MTAs are accepted from companies; terms of institution MTAs and company MTAs are consistent Institution awards were based on acceptance of MTA terms

13 MTA Terms Use agent as provided without making any modifications to agent or attempting to analyze compound provided Institution indemnifies company for its use of material and data Company indemnifies institution for its use of data resulting from the project Reports provided to NCI at least quarterly Company granted right to use all data and results for any purpose

14 Publications and IP Issues
45 day company review of all manuscripts and 10 day abstract review Institution may not submit without written approval from CTEP to do so after any and all NCI and company comments are addressed NCI IP Option to Collaborator included in Institution MTA and Coordinating Center Collaboration Agreement. Company receives non-exclusive royalty free license to any invention for commercial purposes, and first option to negotiate an exclusive or co-exclusive royalty bearing license for commercial purposes. Company will cover patent prosecution and maintenance costs. Company has 3 months to notify institution of interest in obtaining an exclusive license. Extended time period to decide if invention will be useful. Unauthorized Use. Company receives a royalty-free exclusive or co-exclusive license. Company will cover patent prosecution and maintenance costs.


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